Interesting Times

Not only has Wee Willie Krankie had indyref2 blow up in her face, Corby is radioactive on the doorstep. Well whodathunkit? The activists, the true believers who seem to think a few thousand deluded Momentum members equates to the country at large are waking up this morning to an unusual phenomenon, a mid-term election result that has come out substantially in favour of the sitting government. If an opposition cannot make gains at this point then it is unlikely to come June. But we knew this, didn’t we? Not the Labour Grandees, though, it seems…

But shadow chancellor John McDonnell risked ridicule by blaming the media, saying voters were only just ‘getting to know’ Mr Corbyn two years after he took the job.

Whaaaaaa? Seriously? We knew what he was like when he stood for the leadership and we rejoiced because we knew it would lead to this. He has made Labour unelectable in all but the core heartlands – and they are diminishing. And North of the border, Labour has been supplanted by the National Socialists of Krankie and gang and they are losing ground to the Tories.

I don’t much like the Tories, but at the moment, they are the best of a bad bunch. Which is saying something. However, the wailing and gnashing of teeth from the usual suspects is a delight to behold. A Le Pen Win in France (okay, unlikely) would be the icing on the cake.

He claimed Labour’s solid defeat in the West of England was a ‘good’ outcome.

Oh, I agree, it was a good outcome. I’m delighted. As for Ukip, I’m not surprised. As Farage said and Carswell since, they’ve achieved their objective. Time to pack up the stall and go home.

And what of Tim Farron’s LibDems and their intent to replace Labour as the official opposition? Oh, they got wiped out as well. Laugh? I nearly pissed myself; the pompous little wanker.


  1. The most important thing in the UK now is to give Theresa May a resounding majority so she can stick to fingers up to the EU bastards and go for hard Brexit with no financial settlement.

  2. It’s such a shame there is no English equivalent of Schadenfreude, don’t you think, Tim?

  3. It’s amazing that Labour aren’t doing better, I mean, there’s Diane Abbot, gamely doing her best in interview after interview…

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