Oh, God…

Here we go again

The west is built on racism;

No. It. Isn’t. Now fuck off. And, no, not one fucking penny in reparations. No one in the west was alive when slavery was in place and this country spent more money on quashing the transatlantic trade than it gained in the use of slaves. Now crawl back under the rock you came from you vile little racist.

Fortunately, even the Guardianista are unconvinced.


  1. Sick of hearing this tosh, any sympathy I may have had had long since evaporated. Not happy living in the West? Pack up and piss off.

  2. Why isn’t this man in Africa helping its development?
    Is he sure of his own roots or perhaps, like Moira Stuart and Ainsley Harriot, descended from slave overseers and owners?

  3. It’s amusing to see how quickly CiF are now closing thier comments threads on these clickbaiting articles as soon as thier own readers turn on them.

    If I was a sub editor at The Grauniad I’d be seeking other work right now before someone makes me walk the plank. They really are publishing a load of shit this summer.

    • It’s amusing to see how quickly CiF are now closing thier comments threads on these clickbaiting articles as soon as thier own readers turn on them.

      And it seems to be happening rather a lot of late.

      • Of course the faithful think that it’s all down to an influx of Daily Mail/Telegraph readers.
        I suspect that it would fail to compute if they realized how many dissenters are people who have been reading the Guardian since they first bought their own newspaper but are disgusted at the numerous ways in which the paper has declined.
        I also suspect that many have had their eyes opened by the easy and free availability of alternate news online. If once your only sources of news were The Guardian and the BBC it would be easy to imagine that they pretty much covered a) everything important and b) in a reasonably balanced way.
        It’s impossible to sustain that view now short of being completely delusional and those betrayed readers, the ones who haven’t left altogether, are now sticking it to the more stupid and egregious Guardian pieces.

  4. The Arab slave trade was far, far greater than the European slave trade and yet there are no black housing projects in the major Middle Eastern cities, I wonder why that was.

    • Because the Arabs castrated every male slave they took out of Africa. The death rate hovered around 90% of the castrated males they captured, though they did get the Egyptians to castrate some of them before allowing them into Arabia.

      Due to the “surgery” being done under controlled conditions, rather than immediately on capture, the survival rate was somewhat higher.

      No genitals = no babies.

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