The Cleggeron scraping the barrel here.
Brexit should be put to a second referendum because people who voted Leave are dying off, the former Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg has suggested.
Mr Clegg, who was deputy prime minister in the coalition government, said the “high point” of support for Brexit had passed because “the oldest voters voted for Brexit in the largest numbers” while the young voted to remain in the EU.
The contempt for the democratic process is palpable. We didn’t give the right answer, so hold the referendum again and keep holding it until we do give the right answer. How about, the referendum of 1975 when we voted to remain in? I suspect most of those people are dead now. So, how about leaving the next one for forty years or so.
We had a vote. Get over it. We had a general election. Do we hold one of those every year because people who voted may have died? Fuck me!
He told the BBC’s Andrew Marr: “The last vote was…a sort of photo finish, there was only 650,000 votes in it. And how can I put this politely? Actually I suspect that the high point of the Brexit vote has already passed. Crucially, young people who have to live with the consequences of that referendum vote and these botched negotiations overwhelmingly want something different.”
Here we go again… I know exactly what I was voting for; it was to be rid of the unelected, unaccountable bureaucracy of the Commission and the council of ministers. I am prepared as I always was, to accept some disruption while things settle down as they will. And Clegg has a very peculiar understanding of photo finish. 52% voted to leave. Given the binary nature of the vote, that was a win. Get over it.
By all means, when we have left, campaign for entry if you wish and in forty years or so, have a vote on it. In the meantime, we had a vote so honour the result as I was fully prepared to do had it gone the other way.
Blair, Cable & Clegg are EU shill clones and deserve no air-time on AlBeeb
As for Florence May:
This Week – Good segment
Wetherspoons’ Boss Tim Martin Says We Should Leave the EU Now
Well Porti, instead of undermining May support her – you do want UK to suceed post Brexit?
Most worrying was May “…don’t want UK to have an unfair competitive advantage…”
Stupid, stupid woman – regarding trade, tax, regulations etc that competitive advantage is Exactly why we are leaving.
She gave EU £20Bn in return for nothing – when will she learn EU does not negotiate, it’s take it or leave it.
Same old Clegg, same olf BBC…
Clegg, who wrecked his party’s parliamentary party, who lost the EU referendum, who wss deselected by his own Sheffield voters… still out blaming everyone else, still out telling everyone else they are wrong, still out telling the world that votes he disagrees with should be ignored…
The man is an inbecile. An EU shill whose head is so far up Juncker’s arse that you can’t even see the soles of his shoes anymore. A failed, unpopular blowhard who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and has never had a real job in his life, lecturing the little people on how stupied they are.
Someone get this prick off our Televisions please. It should be to the absolute shame of Andrew Marr and the BBC that they give airtime to this irrelevant tosspot.
And Nick – the hair dye is awful.
“An EU shill whose head is so far up Juncker’s arse that you can’t even see the soles of his shoes anymore.”
Utterly priceless. Comment of the week.
I heard Clegg on the radio saying that it was a mistake to let the plebs have a say in such important decisions anyway. Apparently we should all be content to let superior intellects such as his to make these decisions on our behalf. I have been opposed to socialism for most of my life, but I have always understood that if Labour won in a free and fair election then I had to accept the result. Clegg appears not to have learned even this basic principle.
Clegg must have gone to the Abbotopotamus school of mathematics then because according to the electoral commission the Leave vote was 17,410,742 and the Remain vote was 16,141,241. In my book that gives the Leave side a majority of 1,269,501, which is slightly under double Cleggs’ figure of 650,000. Lying c*nt.
For Bill Sticker. Actually Clegg is so far up Juncker’s arse he can see Blair’s boots.