You Gotta Laff

Conspiraloons always provide free amusement.

Conspiracy theorists are yet again convinced that the world is about to end thanks to the mysterious plant Nibiru.

Nibiru was meant to destroy Earth on September 23 after a Christian numerologist claimed it was about to collide with our planet.

After the prediction flopped, some have claimed Nibiru will instead trigger apocalyptic earthquakes on November 19 that will obliterate our planet.

Yeah, well, when shown up as a nutter, why not keep compounding it with even more evidence.

Dr David Morrison, an astronomer at Nasa Ames Research Centre, said if the system made it into the inner solar system, it would disrupt the position of the all planets, and ‘eject the moon from Earth’s orbit.’

So-called Nibiru truthers claim Nasa is part of a conspiracy to ‘hide the truth’ from the general population while the ‘global elite’ escape to the safety of secret underground bunkers.

Because, of course, gravity is all part of the Nasa conspiracy… And why is it that these nutters have a thing about underground bunkers? No mention of the Illuminati though. I’m disappointed.

That’s the problem with truthers, when faced with things like evidence and facts, they swivel their eyes looking for some crazed explanation that defies all logic and reason – like, for example G.W Bush masterminded the 9/11 attacks (I just choked on my coffee and smothered my keyboard – Ed). So, yeah, good for a laugh on a grey Saturday morning, but not much else.

I won’t be worrying about whether the world will still be here on Monday morning. The alarm will still go off and I will go to work as usual.


    • I was thinking myself, that must be one hell of a plant if it can destroy planets. It would put some of those prize pumpkins to shame, that’s for sure.

  1. Now let me think: where would be the safest place to be during an apocalyptic earthquake?
    I know. A secret underground bunker, that’s where. 🙂

  2. With a little bit of luck, this particular fuckwit will find himself being severely displiplined by NASA for allowing his bonkers, alarmist viewpoints to be associated with his employer.

  3. Should we be worried that we are sharing the world with people who just can’t wait for it to end? What exactly is their effing problem? Is it that modern life is just too boring and not challenging enough, that they are just longing for something exciting to happen? Maybe they just hate everyone and everything.

    • and yet although they want it to end they never just do the simple thing and end themselves to save all the pain of being ejected into outer space. Would make things a lot simpler for us all.

    • I remember in pre-internet days, street corner evangelists with their ‘The end is nigh – repent’ sandwich boards. Then there was always a bit of over the garden fence style gossip about poor Mr F (or whatever) who’d gone off and joined a cult somewhere. I don’t think it’s not that these people are a new phenomenon, it’s just that they want a drama they can partake of to relieve the tedium of their unimaginative little lives.

      The new problem is that the communicative power of the Internet now lets these sad people join together and make a nuisance of themselves.

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