Two Stories

That illustrate what is so wrong with our politicians. On the one hand, we have the threat of our defence being cut back due to “austerity”, while on the other we are to piss away even more money on foreign aid.

The Tory MP told the BBC: “The MoD will have to beat [the money] out of the Treasury.

“The Treasury has got to cough up.”

Well, yeah. However, it seems to have no problem coughing up for foreign aid, fake charities, entirely unnecessary government departments and various third sector parasites in the public health racket. It really is a matter for the government to get to grips with this and stop funding the latter. In its entirety. While we are borrowing money, we should not be giving it away. As for the third sector – there is no excuse at all for the taxpayer to be funding these creatures. Any of them.

So, actually, there is plenty of money available for defence.


  1. While we are borrowing money, we should not be giving it away

    Why do Politicians of all ilks seem incapable of grasping that simple, homely, 1st lesson of Kitchen Table Economics? You cut your coat…as Grandma Dwarf would have said.

    • Margaret Thatcher said much the same over 35 years ago, yet was vilified for it by the chatterati of the day.

      • Indeed she did and indeed she was. I realised she was right when I sat in a pub with my mainly ‘rad’ mates, all of them grizzling about how the government couldn’t manage it’s finances yet none of them, myself included back then, were capable of balancing their own cheque books (which shows you how long ago it was).

  2. I think you’re slightly missing the point in some ways. Yes the Government hoses scarce money over all sorts of things but that also includes outrageously poor spending by the Armed Forces and the Ministry of Defence.

    So now, by almost pure co-incidence we have the twin issues of a proposal to sack over 2,000 Marines and can a couple of amphibious attack ships whilst at the same time HMS Queen Elizabeth, a £4½ billion white elephant with no aircraft and insufficent support ships to deploy it, sits leaking in Portsmouth Harbour with 700 crew paid to sit in the pub with f**k all to do.

    Big round of applause for the Ministry of Defence…

    • That’s another issue. When I’ve cleaned up the matter of unnecessary departments and third sector spending. I’ll get around to MoD stuff in more detail 😀

  3. It all boils down to responsibility and consequences. If LR decides he needs a new BMW bike and signs a contract which means said bike will cost £165k over three years, either his business will rapidly fold or his lifestyle will be severely constrained.

    If an employee of a private sector company makes an equivalent stupid decision, he will be introduced to the P45 very quickly.

    If an employee of a public sector department makes the same purchasing decision, he or she will be promoted and receive an honour on the grounds that he/she oversees such large sums.

    Effective value for money is an alien subject.

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