Karma is a Bitch

The moronic scumbags who attacked a cafe have inadvertently had the opposite effect to the one they had planned.

Protesting students who targeted a Winston Churchill-themed cafe have inadvertently helped it become one of London‘s top-rated eateries.

Last week a group of nine demonstrators stormed the Blighty UK cafe in Finsbury Park, north London, urging customers to boycott it for ‘colonialism’ and chanting ‘Churchill was racist’.

Their stunt has now backfired after five star reviews from supporters of cafe propelled it into the top 20 out of 1,180 cafes in the capital on TripAdvisor.

Now that is laugh out loud funny. These historically ignorant twats have had their protest bite them on the bum and deservedly so. These scumbags wouldn’t be able to do what they did if it wasn’t for Churchill and a generation of Britons who stood firm against the hordes who did exactly what these scummy students are now doing.

It’s fashionable among the historically ignorant to condemn Churchill. However, despite his faults – and he was a man of his times and should be seen in that light – his war record exonerates any and all of his failures. 1940 was his time and he was the right man for that time, without him and that generation, we would have capitulated.

In a similar vein this week we have seen Jacob Rees-Mogg mobbed for trying to address a meeting and being accused of fascism by similarly ignorant students.

These ignorant, vile, ungrateful scum were the kind of people throwing stones though Jewish shops and it was people like JRM who put on a uniform and went to the front lines to fight against their fascism. They are the thugs, the brownshirts, the bullies, not JRM. They are the fascists here, not JRM.

God, but these people are utterly vile, evil; such that there are few words with which to adequately convey my contempt. And well done to the Blighty Cafe and those who are standing firm against the leftist bully boys who would force them to close given the chance.

Protest ringleader Halimo Hussein, a politics undergraduate at the School of African Studies, University of London…

Ah, yeah, one of those cultural enrichers we are all supposed to be celebrating. Well, fuck that and fuck you Halimo Hussein. How about to piss off to somewhere more to your liking and leave us alone? We won’t miss you. And if I find myself in Finsbury Park, I’ll pop into the Blighty and have a Winston Breakfast, just to make the point.


  1. Isn’t it interesting how extremists of all kinds are often completely lacking in self awareness? This leads to they themselves becoming the very thing that they claim to be against. The so called anti fascist movement being a case in point. Religious types criticisms of rival religions being another.

  2. Full English might be too big for me; I’ll go with the Full French instead. It’s the same, but only comes with a single egg. So named, because in France one egg is un oeuf.

    Thanks – I’m here all week.

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