Taxing One’s Brain

In this case, the feeble matter that resides between the ears of James Moore in the Indy. He seems to think that the Tories are deluded regarding the concept of low taxes.

However, he went on to say: “At some point before 2022, in amongst all of this, the Conservative government is also going to have to get back to its DNA – cutting taxes.”

Oh dear.

No, that should  be “oh, good, about bloody time!”

You see, you can’t set a “fair” ten-year plan for the NHS and education, offer wage rises to public sector workers, keep police officers on the streets and do other things he wants to do, like fixing the ever-growing number of potholes in Britain’s roads, if you’re not willing to raise the money to pay for it.

Ah yes, the usual cockwaffle. There is plenty of money swilling about government to pay for this stuff. Just stop spending it on wastrels we don’t need such as the troughers in the third sector and swathes of government departments that are entirely unnecessary. Simple, really, but the hard of thinking hacks such as Moore are too dim to understand that books have two sets of entries – income and outgoings and reducing the latter with thrift can increase the amount one has available for other things, so no need to increase taxes at all. Indeed, we are already massively over taxed as it is.

Set against that backdrop, calling for tax cuts as Halfon does, as other Tories do, while still promising to look after the services the country needs, looks at the very least to be deeply cynical, if not downright dishonest.

Well, that depends on whether they are thinking of reducing waste in the system, doesn’t it?


  1. I agree with Halfon.

    To pay for Tax Cuts: close & sack all: PHE, DFID, Equalities Commision, DEFRA, EA, DTI, DCMS…


    Whatever it says on the brass plate outside the door, the number one priority of every public body is the ruthless imposition of the ‘equality and diversity’ agenda.

    Antonia Romeo, the department’s handsomely paid Permanent Secretary, gave the game away in an official announcement to staff.

    She was publicising the launch of a new LGBT Mentoring Programme, for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people. ‘Fantastic example of the brill DIT team working to make the department the most inclusive in Whitehall. Love is great.’

    The only point of the DIT is to negotiate trade deals with countries such as America, India, Australia, China and South Korea, ready for when (if?) we leave the EU. It’s not there to ‘mentor’ gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgenders.

    “The only point of the DIT” – yes, 100% correct. DIT should not be a creche or support group.

    Also sack all Diversity, Equality & Sustainability employees.

    • The question then becomes “what do you do with those sacked employees”. They’re fucking useless at anything else, so would be paid benefits out of the taxes we’re trying to save. It’s a never ending loop of expenditure in one form or another.

  2. Don’t forget that the high taxes caused by government waste are also sucking the life out of the economy. The part of the economy that actually produces stuff is being hamstrung by excessive taxation making it impossible for us to compete on equal terms with countries that don’t have such pointless waste.

    Pcar’s post mentioned negotiating trade deals with, among other places, South Korea. I currently have a Korean phone and a Korean car, I am wondering how I managed to acquire them if a trade deal is yet to be negotiated.

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