Questions We Can Answer

Well, given that “far right” these days simply means not progressive, mind…

It helps explain why the Sweden Democrats have gone so swiftly from the fringes to the political mainstream. Just three years ago, they were social outcasts. Now, they could be the largest single party when Sweden goes to the polls on Sunday while the centre-left Social Democrats, who lead the current coalition government, are on track for their worst result since before ABBA were born.

A bit like the rise of Ukip here a couple of years or so back. Look at the frustration expressed in an earlier conversation and maybe it becomes clear. The progressive leftist infiltration that has seeped throughout academia and now, via indoctrination to all walks of life such that no one expects dissent. Just in general conversation it is expected that the progressive way is the only way and that if you dare to suggest that you don’t hate Trump, for example, you are a Nazi because Trump is literally Hitler. These people have no idea. Really they don’t. And it is simply assumed that you must, of course, hate Trump because all right-thinking people do. Actually, no, I don’t. I think he can be a twat, but he is upsetting all the right people, so he can’t be all bad. Besides, he has one outstanding quality – he isn’t a professional politician, so we are seeing some anthills being kicked over and that’s no bad thing.

For they are following the same pattern which we have seen across Europe recently as anti-immigration parties wreak political havoc in Holland, France, Germany, Italy, Hungary, Austria, Poland and elsewhere.

I wonder why that might be?

Now it is happening in ultra-liberal Sweden, too, which has accepted more migrants per head of population than any EU nation — 250,000 since 2015.

Didn’t see that one coming…

As we see certain groups protected via hate laws that criminalise free speech, increasing levels of identity politics, the rise of virtue-signalling and the importation of masses of people hostile to our way of life – who are intent upon maintaining their own culture and ways within our society, who refuse to engage, who refuse to adapt, then, yes, people will start to express their frustration.

However, note that the people who do dare to speak out, vote for parties such as Ukip or the Sweden Democrats aren’t rioting, they aren’t looting, they are expressing their wishes via debate and the ballot box, yet are demonised for it, accused of being “far right” or Nazis. Neither of which is remotely true. The terms are simply epithets that mean “does not agree with me” – or, more accurately, are not as left-wing as Uncle Joe – see, two can play that game…

As Jax mentioned in that earlier thread, the body politic is rotten to the core, the Frankfurt School and their cultural Marxism has destroyed it and we are left with varying strains of authoritarian rule by oligarchs who are more than happy to constrain dissent with petty hate speech laws while importing a culture that is alien and hostile to our own.

Where will it end? In Sweden, maybe as in Italy recently, with a shift in government and a hardening stance from there. I don’t see that happening here, though.

For decades, Swedish elections were all the same. The Social Democrats would win by a mile and carry on building the Swedish dream: thumping taxes in exchange for cradle-to-grave welfare and just enough money for a modest holiday shack on the coast.

It’s the sort of utopian vision Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury, had in mind this week when he talked of pushing up taxes to make Britain less ‘unjust’. The difference is that Sweden grew up accepting the idea that if you give most of your money to the state, the state will spend it wisely. In Britain, we beg to differ. And now the Swedes are having their doubts, too.

Yes, I beg to differ, too. Give the state most of your money and they will piss it up the wall. Besides, I do not want cradle-to-grave welfare. I want to look after myself and that means keeping the vast majority of what I earn to use as I see fit. It’s a good thing that the Swedes are catching up.


  1. Quite right.
    Why work when you can sit on your arse and get money for nothing?

    These days if you are not Old Labour then you are a right wing fascist extremist. It’s demonisation. Orwell would be proud. Putin probably is at the moment…

    • The ‘Left’ aka Socialism/Fascism (the conjoined evil, ugly twins of tyranny) have as their shared ideology, elevation of the State over the individual, control of the means of production, do not accept private, property rights.

      If you believe in economic liberty, sovereignty of the individual, private property rights, then you are the polar opposite. You must therefore be ‘far’ or ‘extreme Right.


  2. Democracy, or voting to give it its accurate name, only works if there is choice. When all the main, established parties are clinging to each other dancing round the head of a pin in the ‘centre’, there is no choice.

    Voters look elsewhere and new or fringe parties oblige to provide the missing choice.

  3. It’s a bit rich condemning the calling of people/groups far right when you use the opposite, far left/Marxist etc, all the time. I have tried to tell you that what you see as far left etc is nothing of the sort just as I do not see groups such as UKIP et al as far right. It is that kind of hyperbole on both sides that is polarising politics and people at this time.

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