1. “more are needed” is disturbing – Yes. It’s my body, not the state’s or fake-charities

    Declining numbers donating “spare” kidney – what? Most only have one now? Or could it be because state has usurped charity and donation?

  2. No, you’re not alone. They are not going to get their greedy little mitts on my parts before or after my death.

    We are given two kidneys – that should be enough for anyone, and I speak as a patient with end-stage kidney disease.

    I don’t want their second-hand spares and they can keep your hands off mine!

  3. There was a documentary on the other night showing a youngish chap needing a transplant and the tale followed that his girlfriend was donating a kidney. At first I thought this was a lovely thing that was happening until I realised she wasn’t donating to him but to another recipient. The feeling then appeared to me was, that you can have a transplant if someone you love joins in with the kidney merry go round. It made me shudder and I turned it off.

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