A New Definition For Bigotry

The Dalai Lama, apparently.

When the leftist progressives get all worked up and take to Twatter to speek their branes, it’s a fair bet that taking the polar opposite position will place you on the side of the angels. So, what is it that the Dalai Lama said that has excised these hard-of-thinking twatterers, such that they have had to rush to speak their mind?

The Dalai Lama has sparked anger after declaring that “Europe belongs to the Europeans”.

The Tibetan Buddhist spiritual leader also said that refugees should return to their native countries and assist with developing them.

Oh. Is that it? Surely there must be more to it than that?

“Receive them, help them, educate them … but ultimately they should develop their own country,” the 83-year-old said, when speaking about refugees.

“I think Europe belongs to the Europeans.”


There’s nothing remotely controversial in any of that. I agree with him that we should do what we can to help genuine refugees fleeing a war zone. But they should go to the first safe haven where they can be helped and other countries may then assist. But again, I agree, once the war is over, they should return to rebuild their countries.

However, much of what we are seeing are not genuine refugees, rather they are migrants seeking a better life. Sure, there’s nothing inherently wrong with that, but they should be helping to make their own countries better, not invading someone else’s, which is what is happening. Those people flooding up the Spanish beaches are not refugees, they are invaders. Also, many of these people are young men of fighting age (or as the Guardian would have it: “children”). They should either be at home, fighting to defend their country or building it into a better place as opposed to trying to seek welfare in Europe.

Still, someone going off message is sure to get the Twatterati up and running:

Ah, right, so having fled Tibet due to a Chinese invasion, he should return while the invaders are still in control of the country to be imprisoned or killed. Good thinking, Batman. And, of course, going off message makes him a bigot.

The old bombing Muslim lands trope. You can always rely on some shit-for-branes to trot that one out. There are more Muslims being killed by other Muslims for being the wrong type of Muslim than there are being bombed by the West – as has been going on for centuries.

And, for the record, I was vigorously opposed to interventions in Iraq and Libya because neither was any of our business. We should not be getting involved in internecine squabbles at all. Under any circumstances. However, once again we are reminded that Twitter is a vehicle for morons. And by God, there’s nothing so moronic as a progressive who has managed to get themselves all offended.


  1. Teachings of Dalai Lama. It happens when you blindly follow douchebags

    There is no bigger douchebag that people follow than Muhammad.

  2. Oh come on now . You cannot possibly be against Twutter or whatever the hideous thing is called. After , cretins need their own website. It is what I believe their owners call a safe-place .

  3. Usually the Dalai Lama talks in fairly obvious platitudes but on this occasion I think that he is correct. Western countries didn’t just become better places to live by accident, it took the hard work and enterprise of our forefathers.

    As for the Twitter gang. Suppose their next door neighbours had a big fight and totally trashed their house. Would they be prepared to put them up until they got it repaired? Perhaps they would but I doubt they would want them to move in permanently.

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