
Recent garbage in the Groan referred to the Riz test. What, precisely is this test? Well, it’s a way of measuring how RoPers are portrayed on the television in dramas. Usually, they are the good guys. More and more, we are seeing Muslims portrayed as the cops or the sidekicks in such dramas. However, the usual suspects don’t like it if they aren’t portrayed as such. Hence the Riz Test.

If the film/show stars at least one character who is identifiably Muslim (by ethnicity, language or clothing) – is the character…

  1. Talking about, the victim of, or the perpetrator of Islamist terrorism?
  2. Presented as irrationally angry?
  3. Presented as superstitious, culturally backwards or anti-modern?
  4. Presented as a threat to a Western way of life?
  5. If the character is male, is he presented as misogynistic? or if female, is she presented as oppressed by her male counterparts?

If the answer for any of the above is Yes, then the Film/ TV Show fails the test.

A recent example of this is Bodyguard it seems. Indeed, the usual suspects feel that it failed on all counts. Except that it’s all fine and dandy to have white people portrayed as ignorant “far right” thugs. Hypocrisy thy name is progressive. The Riz Test is just the usual bullshit produced by the left and their pets to stifle any portrayal that might, actually, reflect a reality – you see if there is any negative content about Muslims, the drama fails the test. We are not allowed to show Muslims – any Muslims – in a bad light. Non Muslims, sure, fill your boots.

Something else to remind ourselves is that Bodyguard highlighted an issue that can often be missed – that female jihadis can be underestimated.

But those points in the Riz test simply highlight what we already know – that Islam is, indeed, backward, misogynistic and anti-modern. Why else would we need this test designed to stifle dissent otherwise? That this does not encompass all Muslims is an irrelevance. Indeed, there are, doubtless, many Muslims who aren’t Muslim at all but keep quiet about it. Why is that, we ask? Oh, yes, the Religion of Peace, being all peaceful and loving, imposes a death penalty for apostasy. I’d say any drama that hit those points is pretty much spot on…

Those people who came up with the Riz test can stick it where the sun don’t shine, frankly.


  1. Oh, yes, the Religion of Peace, being all peaceful and loving, imposes a death penalty for apostasy. I’d say any drama that hit those points is pretty much spot on…

    Spot on

    Those people who came up with the Riz test can stick it where the sun don’t shine, frankly.


    RoPs defn.: backward medieval itinerant beggars, liars, fraudsters, thieves, violent criminals, murderers, child rapists; syn. muslims/moslems, islamists; ant. law-abiding human


  2. Or the ‘Rice’ test as we call ‘Riz’ over here in bilingual Canada? I thought at first it was some form of check to find whether you’re being served with Jasmine or Basmati. Or perhaps to tell what’s good in a Risotto or as a nice accompaniment to curries? Enquiring minds need to know.

    Oh, so it’s about the current racist media love-fest for the religion of being blown to pieces? Clucking bell.

  3. Funny then how those military dramas such as Six, seal team six and the rest usually have Arabs as the bad guys often armed, often shooting up the soldiers but usually losing to the far better trained men.

  4. Surely the idea that all Muslims are nice and friendly and benign is just as absurd as the idea that all Muslims are evil terrorists.

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