Pure Unadulterated Evil

The left never stop. Always they seek to impose their twisted ideology through the violence of the state.

The article starts with a logical dissection of the futility of prohibition – in this case of cannabis. Then it gets to meat and other products.

Which brings me to the vegan burger. Take a step back and it seems bonkers that our political leaders hold firm on outlawing weed but seem loth to invoke the nanny state where it’s most needed: in avoiding catastrophic climate change. We won’t succeed in this unless we persuade people to fly less and eat less meat and dairy.

There is no need for the nanny state. The nanny state is merely a tool of force used by authoritarian scumbags to impose their ideology on others. It is evil. They are evil.

That’s a gargantuan task, made harder by the demotivating knowledge that your own efforts are only likely to matter if others match them. Yet the most politicians do is half-heartedly conjure up a few green taxes in the hope they’ll nudge people in the sort of right direction. But they’re not effective enough, and also hit the poorest most.

Which is why the state and the fussbucket puritans should fuck off and mind their own business. But they won’t. They don’t. They simply cannot forego the high caused by interfering in others’ choices.

Time for the nanny state to get more radical. We should start by banning altogether things that have literally no function, such as bottled water in a country where it’s actually safer to drink tap water.

Yes, that’s right. Because – in this cretin’s opinion – bottled water has no function, it should be banned. There is a market for it. So, er fuck off and die.

And take a leaf out of wartime Britain – climate change is no less existential a threat – and ration activities such as flying and eating meat.

There you go. All the nastiness is exposed for all to see. Wartime Britain had a justified reason for rationing, deeply repugnant though the principle may be. You know, we were being blockaded by U Boats sinking our shipping. But because of climate alarmism, they think that there is a need to bring back this idea – that the state should dictate what and how much we may eat. Fucking Hellski!

If you’re not that bothered about a rare steak, you can sell your coupons to someone who can’t live without a good ribeye and feel smug as you tuck into your environmentally friendly, fake-meat alternatives.

Fuck you and the horse you rode into town on. And, no, I won’t be eating your fake meat, either. I’m sure there are reasonable vegetarians and vegans – indeed, I have known a few over the years and they manage their lifestyle without the hectoring and lecturing, who do not proselytise, who do not believe that the state should be used to force others to adopt that lifestyle. But, by God, if vegans have a bad name, it is nasty creatures such as the author of this risible piece of authoritarian shit who are responsible for it.

It’s perhaps not surprising that prohibition is based on social prissiness rather than rationality. But, my goodness, we’re missing a trick. We should follow Canada, which just became the second country to legalise recreational cannabis. And go after – if not banning, then rationing – the stuff that does society real, undeniable harm.

How about you fuck off to North Korea where your kind of politics is welcome? The only real undeniable harm being caused to society is you and the nasty totalitarianism you would impose upon us.


  1. My comment on a JuliaM post on OOL

    Rights vs Responsibilities & Morals

    Hang on. Two, it would appear, genetically disabled adults procreate to produce a genetically disabled child?

    That is evil.

    Vegans, Veggies, Global Warming/Green loons – all totalitarian miserabilists

    btw Girl in Vegan protest in Brighton restaurant is daughter of multi-millionaire Meat Seller (Goucho)

    If they hate humans so much, they should end themselves

  2. Pure Unadulterated Evil

    Well, that’s Socialists for you, they can’t help themselves because the ideology they believe in is evil.

  3. Catastrophic climate change!
    Do these idiots still believe that people who have been making failed predictions for over thirty years are right? Or is climate change just the latest in a long line of bogey men that they like to invoke to get the plebs to do as they are told?

  4. I’m in my seventies, and when we married in 1972, we used to be able to take an 8 oz steak with no problem.

    Since then, our consumption has reduced to about 2 oz of meat each, because we consume very little of anything, except decent beer and wine. And we’re passionate growers and consumers of vegetables.

    I have no problem with vegetarian diets, which is often a nice option on a pub menu, but one question I have is this: – If I continiue eating less and less meat until I don’t have/want any, does it make me a vegan, and worse, do I have to become a socialist?

    I don’t ever believe socialism has anything to do with the reality of self-responsibilty, so I’ll start to get back to the quarter-pounders, maybe a ribeye or three. It may take some time, but becoming a leftie is far too nasty to contemplate…

    • Dont worry about having to be a socialist with your reduced meat consumption. I have followed a ‘vegan’ diet for 10 years, and in that time have moved from conservative with a small ‘c’ to being much further right. Actually, thinking about it, I haven’t moved, just the rest of the world became socialists! Anyhoo, the point is, a vegan diet is a choice like any other and my choice is no better or worse than yours. And tomorrow the sun will still rise in the East.

      • Actually, thinking about it, I haven’t moved, just the rest of the world became socialists!

        It’s interesting that you say this. These days, the leftist establishment would place me as extreme right. I am nothing of the sort. I’ve always been fairly middle of the road. What’s happened is that the overton window has shifted dramatically to the left during the past twenty years or so. I haven’t changed, they have. These days, belief in personal liberty has become a dirty word.

        • Sorry Guvnor, I replied to Charlie before reading your post, which describes my situation far better than my ramblings!

          I suppose I’m somewhat similar to you, except that I don’t have a motorbike, which is just as well, as I fell off my electric bike, and that was when I was stationary…

          (Reading your bike notes makes me wish I hadn’t burnt all my Motorcycle Mechanics mags which I devoured from about 1963)!

          • “Motorcycle Mechanics mags”

            I still have most of mine from 1980s, bought every issue as very educational, helpful and life-preserving tutorials. Some ripped out “How To” kept in garage.

            Then it changed name and little Mechanics: rarely bought. Changed again and no Mechanics, never bought.

      • Phew, that’s good news, Charlie; I’m not knocking veganism, and have several chums who follow that choice, but if leftie newspapers try and connect the two premises and make a big issue about it, then enough nutters on the socialist benches will start to make life difficult for me, and I’m too ancient to join up now and give them a good slapping!

        And I agree with you that staying about where you are and watching oddbods like antifa ruin the neighbourhood. I haven’t moved either way as well, other than get more grumpy about interference from mere politians, and until Mrs May started her lies as well, I watch many of the lefties make more noise, but do even less!

  5. Is it equally fine if the state is able to compel her, as a vegan, to eat nothing but meat?
    It’s not who is on their moral high horse at any given moment and believes they are right – it’s whether the state has the power to compel someone to do something they believe to be wrong.
    She thinks humans should eat plants – I think she’s bonkers, and that is not an optimum diet for humans.
    Up until now freedom and Darwinism would determine who is correct, but she wants to be able to compel. So is she fine to be forced to eat only meat? Because that is the power she is asking for.

  6. I am convinced that The Guardian is currently running a house competition for “Ignorant Twat Columnist of the Year”. Certainly there are plenty of entries filling the pages right now, which increasingly resembles less a broadsheet newspaper and more a Momentum comic for 8 year olds

    • Good punchline

      Asking vegans if they really want chickens, pigs, sheep and cows to be extinct or only in zoos is fun.

  7. I keep bottled water in the car. Our tap water tastes fine if you drink it straight away but if you fill a bottle and keep it in the car it becomes unpalatable. The tap water at work, though presumably safe to drink, tastes terrible. You can’t make tea or coffee with it because it makes it taste bad.

    The plastic bottles go into a bin which is supposedly for materials that can be recycled. If the authorities are sticking them in the sea rather than recycling them I think that’s their fault.

    • Soft mains tap-water here and I can see hills it comes from, and drink from river on dog-walk. Bottling tap-water OK too.

      Thames Water – OK for coffee, but disgusting stuff to drink from tap, bought bottled when there.

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