The Thought Police

Sargon of Akkad talks on You Tube about this story.

We find ourselves in the strange situation where those of us who believe in such quaint notions as free speech are on the side of the TERFs (Trans exclusionary radical feminists). Yes, weird, I know. However, while they are man-hating harridans, they should have the absolute right to speak their minds.

Worse though, is this:

Harry Miller is furious at his ‘Orwellian’ treatment by an officer who rang to check his ‘thinking’ after he had ‘liked’ a limerick which includes the lines: ‘You’re a man. Your breasts are made of silicone… And we can tell the difference… Your hormones are synthetic.’

That’s right – the police seem to think that it is their role to check someone’s thinking. Thought crime is truly with us. However, Miller hadn’t actually committed any crime. Yet these people still managed to take time out from dealing with real crimes in order to check his thinking.

Be horrified – for if you are not, you aren’t paying attention.


    • If I got a call like that I’d assume it was a prank. How do the police show their ID over the phone?

      • A Police officer acting in an official category has to formally identify themselves with something like their name and unit, along with a recognisable call back number and case reference so you, or better still your solicitor, can check their bona fides. If they refuse to provide such references then you can simply tell the person on the other end of the phone that you are assuming theirs is a prank call. However, as the video says, if the officer says they are acting on something that is not a crime, but may cost someone their job if the Police release information, then that is probable cause for a civil harassment complaint.

  1. This really is one of the most frightening developments in recent years – but then, Plod, Politicos, and the Civil Service all seem to have a Common Purpose, don’t they?

  2. One of Sargon’s very best. We seem to have slipped in to a parallel Stasi universe where the state claims the power to define words which pre-date it, and encourages blockwarts to impose that new definition.

    They, stupid people, do not seem to be able to grasp that a change of the tide would see them equally defined away.

  3. Spot on the last sentence, LR – what is truly terrifying is that by all accounts when you encounter the authorities in, for example, Zimbabwe or North Korea they can at least normally justify what they are saying/ doing. These guys lack the brain of even those regimes.

  4. In fairness in an ideal world I’d have both people from the Sky News clip on a one way plane to Pyongyang…. but the basic point is correct. In the war against these Trans deviants no doubt some unlikely alliances may need to be formed

    • It’s worth bearing in mind that the majority of trans people just want to be left alone. It’s a small, vocal minority combined with the progressives who are weaponising them.

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