Panodrama Take Two

Okay, I’ve had an opportunity to watch the whole thing. I have to say, my initial reaction remains – a bit of something and nothing. However, it is worth making the point that Robinson pulled a bit of a blinder. The BBC and other fake news organisations are fond of sting operations whereby someone they have decided is guilty of wrongdoing is entrapped and ambushed by a reporter using undercover footage to put them on the back foot. Anything they say will be reactive and designed to put them in a bad light.

Tommy Robinson is a classic example of the media and the establishment playing the man not the ball. They will refer to his name change, the “mortgage fraud” that, actually wasn’t, his erstwhile activities with the EDL and so on. All of this is a fairly classic diversion from what he is saying. Even if every charge they level at him is true, it does not mean that what he is saying about Islam can be dismissed. Even the pompous, sanctimonious, self-righteous fuckwits on the green benches like to paint themselves in a virtuous light while denigrating him:

The only loathsome and repellent individuals here are the ones besmirching the green benches. Indeed, they epitomise the classist, elitism that Robinson complains about. Watching this clip makes my skin crawl they are so utterly obnoxious.

However, getting back to Panodrama – I have some sympathy for John Sweeney when he complains about being misrepresented by judicious editing and when Robinson will not allow him to point out that what he was saying was a combination of lubricated banter and allegory. Indeed. But how does the press deal with people when the boot is on the other foot? That’s right, it will selectively edit to paint people in a bad light and it will shout people down when they try to explain that the comment was taken out of context and they will repeat it ad nauseam until the lie becomes truth in people’s minds. What John Sweeney got was a taste of the medicine he is happy enough to dish out. Consequently, my sympathy is limited.

So, although I don’t think that the piece was as damaging as Robinson was suggesting, it did expose a couple of things – the sheer hypocrisy and arrogance of the BBC and its involvement with a known far left hate group. If nothing else, the exercise lifted the stone on this mass of disgusting creepy crawlies and that can only be a good thing.

Of course, there was a price to pay. Robinson is now banned from Farcebook and Instagram. Apparently because he did not comply with community guidelines.

The company said Robinson, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, broke rules that ban public calls for violence against people based on protected characteristics; rules that ban supporting or appearing with organised hate groups; and policies that prevent people from using the site to bully others.

I see that they do not provide any evidence to support this accusation. That is because they don’t have any. Vigorous criticism of Islam is not hate speech and given that the BBC and the establishment happily cosy up to far left hate groups, again, they are guilty of hypocrisy. Providing your preferred hate group is pro-Islam, you are just fine, it seems…


  1. Worth noting that farcebook are being sued for the migrant teen story following TR posting alleged mitigating background ‘facts’ about the run-up to the event. Even if that background is true, there is clearly a lack of evidence and the lawyers see a chance to sue farcebook. Anyone elese saying it would be ignored.

    That’ll be their reason for the ban. No obvious link beteen them and the beeb but the timing is curious and it does like payback or a gentle reminder as to the how the PTB operate together.
    TR has enough clout now that he really needs to run every syllable past a laywer before speaking or posting anywhere.

  2. This is the John Sweeney that went apeshit when the same mirror was held up to him during the Church of Scientology documentary? The one that John Sweeney and the producers had to apologise for?

    BBC reporter blows his top at Scientologist [LINK]

    The problem is when they do it, it is “Fair and responsible journalism”, but when the same is done to them it is a “travesty of injustice”?

    I’m not a fan of Tommy Robinson and I don’t share his point of view on many things, but he’s a good “Canary in the coal mine” and while he is chirping away (erant nonsense or not), I can sleep in my bed at night.

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