Oh, This Could Get Interesting

The Muslim protests about the school curriculum has intensified.

Demonstrators protesting against primary school children being taught that people of all genders and sexualities should be treated equally have been served with a high court injunction.

Birmingham city council made the application following several weeks of protests outside Anderton Park primary school in the city.

Citing “increasing fears for the safety and wellbeing of the staff, children and parents”, the council said it pursued legal action after the situation had become “too serious to tolerate”.

The interim injunction covers the streets immediately surrounding the school and prevents protesters printing or distributing leaflets, inviting others to protest and encouraging people to congregate at the entrance. The protesters will have a chance to make their case to a judge on 10 June.

According to the order published on the council’s website, it also prohibits social media being used to make offensive or abusive comments about staff members.

Oh, dear… Truly the regressive left has made a mess for itself. Oddly, I fail to recall such injunctions when the climate activists clogged up London recently. Double standards?


  1. Climate activism is different. Because if governments don’t take action to reduce CO2 emissions, the whole world will flood and turn into an arrid desert and everyone will die. This is definitely going to happen because the science is settled.

    • Can we arranged it so the flooding/arid deserts dont happen until after the World Cup? Wiuld be nice if England could win it once before the end of the world.

      Just one question though – if it floods how will it be arid?

      • I checked with God (I have a direct line) and his prediction was that England would next win the World Cup sometime after the heat death of the Universe.

        He thinks the new Israeli teams got legs though…

    • I was under the impression that the Sun is in a Solar Flare minimum period right now. The last time this lasted for a while, in Human terms, was the Maunder Minimum, which lasted about 150 years and caused all sorts of cold winters to arrive. Apparently the Thames froze over for several years running. Why isn’t this mentioned by these climate change ‘ experts ‘?

      • Because if they don’t stay on message they get fired. Climate change is just a brilliant excuse for the government to steal your cash and they certainly don’t want those sciency types letting slip that it’s all bollox.

  2. Perhaps this could be viewed as an opportunity to hold out an Olive branch to the Muslim community. After all, the enemy of my enemy etcetera….

    Then they can be shown how they have been betrayed by the very forces who wanted mass migration. After all, everything is unfair in politics, life and so on.

    • No Bill, I think the best outcome here is to put some popcorn on and sit and watch the left destroy itself trying to find balance between the multiple identitarian groups of clients that they have created and enabled.

      Just because I share the Muslim’s viewpoint that parents should be the ones defining the terms of their children’s education, I still don’t agree with their religious basis for doing so. I certainly don’t agree that they should be able to force others to abide by their religion in the name of “Tolerance”, which is actually INTOLERANCE.

      Despite being gay, I don’t agree with the LGBT agenda being thrust down the throats of pre-teen primary schoolchildren and their parents (not just the Muslim one’s) being called bigots for objecting.

      Let them fight. Let the left eat itself.

    • I wouldn’t give them an olive branch, they’d take it and beat you to death with it.

      My enemies are Islam, commie bastards and the nanny state in all its manifestations. Happy to see them fighting amongst themselves.

      • They could try. But at some stage someone has to make a peace offering. If refused, then is the time to go for the nuclear option. Although I did enjoy a chuckle at the odious Jess Phillips getting grief when she tried to lecture a ‘community leader’.

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