Coming Home to Roost

If you invite large quantities of people from an alien culture and encourage them to maintain that culture and not integrate in the name of multiculturalism, then sooner or later it will cause problems. Well, we’ve known this for a while, but the regressive left have been largely shielded from the impact of their intersectional politics. Until now.

On the sign at the entrance gates is a rainbow motif with the word ‘equality’ written above it.

At Anderton, this means teaching children about families with, say, ‘two mummies or two daddies’, to foster tolerance and respect for everyone and prepare them for life in modern Britain.

But almost all of Anderton’s 800 pupils are Muslims, and for Muslims, homosexuality is sinful.

So, two of the regressive left’s pets are now clashing with each other – the gay lobby and the conservative Muslim one. And I know where my money is going.

On the one hand, it’s time to order in more popcorn and let them fight it out. This was a problem created by the regressive left – let them suck it up good and hard.

The religious and cultural divide at the heart of this community has culminated in angry, but essentially peaceful, daily pickets outside the school, featuring placards reading ‘My child, my choice’, ‘Our voice must be heard’, and ‘Let kids be kids’.

On the other… Actually, I’m with the Muslims on this one. Gay propaganda has no place in schools. This is a discussion that parents should be having with their children when they feel it is appropriate. So when a Muslim protester says “let kids be kids” I agree with them.

And it’s all started getting nasty – when counter protesters turned up (as they do) they were pelted with eggs. Apparently pelting counter protesters with eggs is bad while chucking milkshakes over people who disagree with the regressive left is okay.

There really isn’t enough popcorn here and I think my local Sainsbury’s is going to be left with empty shelves.


  1. I can’t wait to see Owen Jones twisting and turning like a twisty turny thing over this issue.

    • Oh, I guess he’ll probably do what most of these one-sided little twerps do when two of their “favourites” start squabbling – simply avoid the issue altogether and pretend that it isn’t really happening. Elephant? What elephant?

  2. In the red corner we have the Socialists, killing and murdering people they don’t agree with for 140 years, and in the blue corner we have the Muslims, killing and murdering people they don’t agree with for 1400 years. Ding, Ding.

    • My money’s on the RoPers. They have a lot more community level hands on violence experience than the Western SJW Left. We all know what a SJW led society would become, because the psychopaths always rise to the top in totalitarian societies, but the RoPers have violent nutters at all levels.

      My money is on a total cave in by the authorities and they will allow ‘special measures’ for schools in majority Muslim areas. Of course if any white (or indeed Christian) parents get any ideas about not wanting their kids to be taught about chicks with dicks, or anal fisting, then they’ll get full might of the State thrown at them. Even if they are black, as quite a few Africans are strict evangelical Christians. Being black doesn’t save you in Identity Politics poker if you’re a Christian.

    • It’s not quite as straightforward as socialists. The old white working class socialists aren’t into this, which is why they are shunned. It’s what we used to call the champagne socialists doing this.

      • Yes, hence my labelling them SJWs. Old fashioned socialists were about money, more pay for the workers at the expense of the top hatted brigade in class terms, but all the current identity politics malarkey is the concern of the New Left, the middle class Left. They have money so are less interested in mentioning that, as they’re doing very nicely thank you. They just want a stick to beat their political opponents with, so ‘minority rights’ is their chosen weapon.

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