We do Diversity

Unless it is diversity of opinion, it seems.

A one-woman show by the new Brexit party MEP Ann Widdecombe has been cancelled in protest at her apparent endorsement of gay conversion therapy.

Y’know, this is why I utterly despise the media. If you listen to what she actually said, it was unremarkable – the “apparent endorsement of gay conversion therapy” is pure spin on the part of the media. She did not say that at all. Our scientific knowledge is not cast in aspic and may well tell us why some people are homosexual and may well offer the opportunity for people who are unhappy with it to change. Why would this be a problem? Why is it even remotely controversial? Yet the creature responsible for cancelling the show finds it “disgusting”. These arseholes always do. She is a heretic and must be burned (metaphorically at least) at the stake.

Anne Widdecombe is a devout Christian. Christians believe that homosexuality is a sin. This is “disgusting”. Muslims also believe that homosexuality is a sin. In parts of the world, they execute homosexuals.


David Hutchinson, the chief executive of Selladoor, said he was disgusted by Widdecombe’s comments.

On Tuesday the Brexit party leader, Nigel Farage, defended Widdecombe’s comments as a “matter of conscience”. But Hutchinson said her remarks were indefensible and refused to “provide a stage for these vile people”.

I listened to Farage’s response to this despite his being harangued by the Good Morning team. He is sound on liberty here. It is a matter of personal conscience and he is perfectly correct to take a neutral stance. But note – Christians are vile people apparently (see what I did there? – two can play that game) and therefore must be denied a stage.

He said: “Following her disgusting gay therapy comments over the weekend, my programming team and I immediately decided to cancel the scheduled event as we flatly refuse to offer a stage to someone who wishes to promote such vile opinion.”

I can only presume from this comment that Hutchinson did not take the time to listen to the comments in context – or is so thick he did not understand them. Or, possibly, he is a vile authoritarian who is intolerant of differing opinions that are somewhat unfashionable these days. Whichever, it doesn’t paint him in a good light. All  I see here is a nasty little bigot.

He added: “We welcome everyone in the community to our theatres, and operate a fully inclusive and respectful approach to programming. We don’t seek to prevent discussions where there might be differences in opinion – but in this case, there is no discussion to be had. Ann’s comments are divisive, disrespectful and foolishly ignorant.”

Er, no, you don’t. You are demonstrably a liar. Once again, we see the progressives (regressives – Ed) using doublethink to justify their stance of rigid intolerance and bigotry. There is always a discussion to be had. Only someone who is utterly intolerant, bigoted and blind to reason, opposes people being allowed to voice an opinion. Step forward David Hutchinson, vile authoritarian cunt of the day. Anne Widdecombe is a far, far greater person than you can ever hope to be.

Note: Yes, I am aware of Widdecombe’s authoritarian tendencies when in government, but she has never tried to deny free speech to my knowledge.


  1. “There is always a discussion to be had.”

    Of course there is; but in the case of the progressive left, it’s only open to those sharing their views so they can have a mutual hugging and praising session to show us plebs how wonderfully virtuous and caring (for minorities only) they are.

    It’s nothing more than intellectual masturbation as:-
    1) It gives a warm glow of satisfaction to the perpetrator;
    2) It appears rather distasteful to any onlooker;
    3) It’s of no conceivable use to anyone else.

  2. They distort so much that they are, as near as makes no difference, completely making it up.

    I wonder when they will actually make it up and simply attribute to the hate figure of choice, rationalising that the anti hate peoples committee or whatever know said hate figure will at some future point say it.

    Of course if they say it for whoever, then there can be no possible doubt of denial or the possibility of some “fake news peddlar” distorting the truth.

    Or are we already there?

    • Yup. Probably. If you look at the Twitter thread this moron has created, the SJWs are jumping up and down to see who can get their tongue up his arse the farthest and to condemn Widdecombe for what she hasn’t actually said. We know who the fascists really are here and Twitter is where you will find them.

  3. “Anne Widdecombe is a far, far greater person than you can ever hope to be.”

    And there’s far more of her.

  4. “We welcome everyone in the community to our theatres, and operate a fully inclusive and respectful approach to programming. We don’t seek to prevent discussions where there might be differences in opinion”

    Isn’t it funny how diversity of opinion and “inclusivity” suddenly turns to “exclusion” when one has the “wrong” opinion.

    Hutchinson is a nasty authoritarian bigot.

  5. “Y’know, this is why I utterly despise the media. If you listen to what she actually said, it was unremarkable”

    You could add to that that the interviewer, knowing that she was a Catholic, set out to trap her, no doubt to blacken the ‘Brexit Brand’ which, rightly wants to fix on a single issue for the moment.

    Good Morning then tried to use that label Farage but he was too smart for them.

    Why doesn’t David Hutchinson come clean, “Sellador does not welcome Muslims or Catholics to its productions”, and see how that goes with his ‘diverse’ and ‘inclusive’ crowd?

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