
They’re great, aren’t they? Without context you can make them really scary. Take this, for example:

UK coronavirus death toll rises to 137 as another 29 patients die in England


  1. I have an underlying health condition, type 2 diabetes. I am very fit so that is in my favour, I am 61. I suppose that I am at a higher risk than most people but I’m not going to panic. With 137 out of 65 million I would say that the odds of me getting knocked off my bike are worse.

  2. Something that I am getting suspicious of, too – let me correct you, though: “…137 people with underlying health conditions have died of this disease.” Did the disease kill them or did they die while affected? Subtle difference, and one that I am noticing in the mainstream media – they usually do NOT state that the victims died of the disease, but died after contracting it, leaving it up to the generally gullible public to put 2 and 2 together, and (possibly) make 5. How many of those who have died were knocking on death’s door, anyway, and “Kung Flu” either hastened the answer, or just happened to be in their system when they shuffled off.

    • Did the disease kill them or did they die while affected?

      Probably poor wording on my part. I was trying to make the same point as you – that they may well have died anyway and the raw data without that context isn’t helpful.

    • Exactly the same argument applies to particulate pm2.5 pollution, but no one will take any notice. Would rather ‘narrate’ the green panic.

  3. Now for a bit of context: I just had a look at the official figures for flu related deaths in the UK. (
    2014/15 – 28,330
    2015/16 – 11,875
    2016/17 – 18,009
    2017/18 – 26,408
    Of course the Coronavirus is real but are governments using it as a ready made H L Mencken type hobgoblin?

  4. Italy’s figures are contaminated. Doctors apparently have much leeway for ‘cuase of death’. Everything is going down as coronavirus. They also have a very old population and most deaths are in the over 80s.

    Men die more (just for a change!)

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