Thou Shalt…

…have no other God but me the NHS.

Piers Morgan has hit out at a social media user over a ‘disgusting’ post written about the NHS amid the coronavirus crisis.

The 55-year-old took to Twitter earlier today to comment on a post that read: ‘NHS worship is going to be even more insufferable once this is done than it was before, isn’t it?’

He quoted the post before describing it as the ‘most disgusting tweet of the #coronavirus crisis so far – & the bar was very very low.’

Well, I guess when it comes to a low bar, Morgan should be best placed to know. However, what, precisely did this Twitter person say that was so awful? So disgusting?

Having observed the cringeworthy adulation of what is a funding and management system to the point of obsequiousness, I find a contrary voice refreshing. He is right, it is insufferable. He has, of course, been roundly condemned as is the case with heresy. Indeed, one person responding on the thread calls him a psychopath. But then, he is apparently a Christian, so that qualifies him already with the progressives. And naturally, the crime of heresy means that they are out to destroy him and get him sacked – they can’t burn heretics at the stake any more, so deplatforming and sacking is the next best thing. And what did he do? He expressed an opinion. Welcome to modern Britain – not much different to medieval Britain, frankly.

I would suggest that it is not Lilico who is the psychopath here.

What he demonstrates is that such is the blind worship of our system of healthcare, that any rational discussion about its future is all but impossible. All he did was make a perfectly simple point. A valid one. It does not make him a psychopath and only a moron would think that he is.

By all means admire the efforts of those who work in this system – the healthcare professionals who are under strain at the moment, but the NHS is just a system and like all systems should be open to criticism.

It would seem, though, that as Mr Lilico has admirably demonstrated, Britain is not mature enough for that debate.


  1. I note that those who normally tell us how wonderful Germany is, and how we should be more like them are not mentioning the stellar performance of the largely privately operated (though not paid for) German healthcare system…………suddenly ‘being more like the Germans’ is off the agenda.

  2. I agree with Mr Lilico, NHS like Climate has become a religion, life was much better when Prodestant Christianity (WASP) was national religion – Left ended that. Piers Morgan – who is usually a sane Rod Liddle, Brendan O’Neil lefty – has become a hysterical sanctimonious twat during this scamdemic. The vitriol he’s pouring on Boris & Trump is astounding – no more Trump interviews on AF1 I assume


    Nurse Shirley doesn’t seem sufficiently emotionally stable to be a nurse

    Mr Chowdhury, PPE shortage is because each NHS Trust’s Procurement Director failed to respond in December, January and February and order more*. Manufacturers would then have been able to respond. Boris & Hancock not responsible. When will BBC, C4, ITV interrogate these very highly paid (~3x Hancock’s salary) Procurement Directors?

    * I’ve seen complaints that sealed face masks are ‘out of date’ – date regulatory overreach?

  3. Related but slightly off topic, there is this:

    I note from the various on line newspapers that they are having to REALLY hunt down people dying of the virus to make their daily quota.

    I’m far from convinced that the virus is as bad as it is portrayed. Shock! Horror! A woman in the UK died of the virus at age 108. No doubt if she had not caught it she would have lived another 20 or 30 years … Yeah, right And no, I have not made that one up.

    And of course, this lass would have shrugged off normal flu as she was in tip top condition already:

    The crisis is entirely man made and the NHS mismanagement is making it worse. Agreed that the front line staff are trying their best but the incompetence, overmanning and overpaid managers are to blame for the mismanagement and monumental waste.

    But of course, since the NHS is a political hot potato, then the managers quite logically and sensibly (from their perspective) satisfy the politicians with statistics, charts, graphs and other reports, NOT the people needing medical care.

      • Some opinion is that lockdowns increae virLal overload on the vulnerble, which is why the countries that have indulged in vicous lockdowns have seen worse fatality rates.
        US stats are very variable by state, not that bad per capita in republican states, much worse in dem where orange man bad is more important then effective action

  4. PPE, PFI, the 7 Ps, £83 Billion clinical negligence compensation pending, £10 Billion IT expenditure for zero result, doctor shortage caused by not enough entering at bottom and too many leaving early because of pay and pension cock-up. What petty nit-picker could possibly know that The NHS, all praise be upon it, is not the peak of CN Parkinsonian Perfection.
    Letter P seems to figure large in NHS.

  5. Same with the military here in the states. Yes, they do go into harms way etc etc but it was all voluntary. Yet I’m supposed to thank and worship anything in camouflage. I don’t hate the military but I’m not going to be a bootlicker either. But if I expressed such an opinion aloud, I’d be told to move somewhere else.

  6. New version of PC in Britain.
    Carry om sacrifices of old people to the NHS totem pole rather than changing to a proven system like the German insurance led system.
    On a related note, as some US States are allowing doctors to self dose prophlactically with Hydrochloroquine mixtures, would we let them do the same here or will we sacrifice another few hundred drs while studies are ongoing?

  7. I see nothing wrong at all with Mr Lilico’s tweet. I also find the NHS worship seriously disturbing as it is both a form of idol worship and has a distinct ‘GDR’/all hail the State type smell about it all. Mr Lilico’s comment on the NHS is considerably milder than my own criticisms of this organisation which is an org that killed my mum, nearly operated on the wrong leg of my dad, put my uncle into a side room filled with dirty soiled laundry and nearly crippled the mother of my child by a mishandled epidural. It looks to me as if Piers Morgan is deliberately trying to get up a mob to go after him.

    • I always thought that rather than all the the state the NHS slogan should be “Everything within the NHS, nothing outside the NHS, nothing against the NHS”.

      A few of the new commandments:
      I am the LORD thy NHS
      No other healthcare before me
      Not take the NHS’s name in vain
      Remember the sabbath day, this is now Thursday 8PM
      Thou shalt not kill by going outside
      Thou shalt not covet other better healthcare systems

      • As seen elsewhere:
        Our NHS, which art the best health service in the world
        Hallowed be thy name, budget, staffing level and administrative structures
        Thy Police State come
        Then it will be done
        In the UK as it is in China
        Give us this day our daily bread, milk and just one form of exercise
        And forgive us our trespasses into the 2 metres social distancing zone
        as we forgive them that trespass against us, but only after a severe fine or imprisonment
        And lead us not into economic meltdown
        But deliver us from a bit of a tickly cough
        For thine is the wisdom, informed by 100% accurate mathematical modelling
        The power to make us worry
        For ever and ever

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