When Reality and Parody are the Same

The Daily Mash.

ARE you calling the police to report your neighbour going out twice because you’re a good citizen or to get revenge for their dog shitting on your doorstep in 2008? Take our quiz.

Thing is, I know at least one person who would answer “B” to all of the questions and be completely serious with it.

Parody was supposed to be an exaggeration of reality to shine a spotlight on absurdity. Not any more. As Leggy is wont to remind us, parody is fast becoming drowned out by real life. We have reached the parody event horizon. It is not possible now for the Mash to be parody. Reality has taken over and made it redundant.

The police are now in full flow with their new powers and making it up as they go along – whether it is threatening to search shopping trolleys or cuffing people in Manchester for the crime of delivering food supplies. But, then, we could have seen this coming when Cressida Dick was promoted instead of being drummed out of the service and prosecuted for the murder of an electrician on the underground. Their policing of the online sphere where they see fit to check our thinking has gone into overdrive with their new powers to bully, harass and generally behave like uniformed thugs. Now we have Stasi snitch lines that have been embraced by a generation of people who have no concept of history.

Fucking Hell!


  1. I’m much more likely to call my neighbour to report plod’s Unterscharführers behaving inappropriately and illegally. That’s a bigger threat to us all.

  2. Not sure about the status of anything any more. Who are the tax payers now. Have we slipped into full on communism? Time will tell.

  3. Police happily exposing they are Stasi, Hancock too

    How To Start A Riot

    Police Brutality: Manchester Man Arrested For Helping Vulnerable Mother
    @1m44s Cop Car n/s front & rear underinflated – RTA violations


    Vid Mirrors

  4. Peter Hitchens in The Mail on Sunday spot on. I’ve been critical of Hancock’s nasty behaviour for weeks now

    I stockpiled dozens of eggs, fruit & sauces but had to bin it all –

      I don’t care I’m doing the vulnerable out of food

    Emmie Shute, 47, from Bournemouth, Dorset: “Punnets of rotten strawberries, mouldy bread, unwanted packets of Jaffa Cakes, out-of-date peas and carrots…
    The bin bag was groaning under the weight of unused food I’d stockpiled when the coronavirus crisis hit.
    But as I heaved it into the already overflowing bin, I didn’t feel a shred of remorse
    But having to chuck £60-worth of food hasn’t stopped me stockpiling even more during each weekly shop”

    What a nasty creature and she’s so proud of her behaviour she boasts to media about it. She’s gone world viral on Facebook

    Hope she gets bricks through windows and every airline and shop bans her

    • Why would you stockpile stuff that is perishable and then throw it away? The woman is obviously an industrial strength idiot. We have stocked up a little on tinned stuff and stuff that we can freeze. We bought a load of stuff from a local catering firm that has switched to doing click and collect for the general public and a dozen savoury pies from a local internet based pie shop. So we are staying well stocked without going mad.

  5. The police are civilian and must be held liable for their mistakes, just like the rest of us, personal liability.
    How often have we been told “Ignorance of the law is not an excuse”, it must be applied rigorously to the enforcers as well.

  6. You buffoons should really try gobbing off to police in places like Turkey, Spain or Greece before you accuse our police of being fascist. Embarrassing.

    • Somewhere along the line, the Peelian principles have been abandoned. That is appalling. And, no, none of the heavy-handed policing we’ve been witnessing this past couple of weeks is even remotely justifiable.

      Those guys in Manchester were behaving like a pair of thugs and there was no excuse for it. None. Just as there was no excuse for Nick Adderley threatening to search shopping trolleys. “The other guys are worse” is no justification.

      The setting up of snitch lines is unforgivable.

      As for gobbing off, I don’t “gob off” to our police, so am unlikely to do so to those I encounter abroad. But I will criticise bad behaviour when I see it. And this past couple of weeks, I’ve seen plenty.

      • The police have millions of encounters with the public every year. The vast majority go unreported. A tiny minority go ” wrong” or wrong in the eyes of the media and these are the ones that you focus on.
        Name another organisation that is perfect.

        • You are missing the point by a country mile. Your liberal use of strawmen and your tone suggests you are doing so deliberately.

        • Who said anything about other organisations being perfect?

          What has been obvious from the get go here is the relish with which the police have embraced these powers.

          It is not just the odd, isolated case, is it? We are seeing daily abuses from Chief Constable down. We have the Home Secretary on record telling them to wind their necks in.

          There is a problem here. Denying it doesn’t help.

        • I would also add that when an organisation is thrust into the spotlight during a time of crisis, high standards of professional behaviour become even more important.

        • Police on horses, bikes and in cars invading parks and bellowing through megaphones: “Keep moving, don’t sit or sunbathe on grass, don’t sit on benches… don’t smile or be happy’

          Not only UK, Aus and USA as bad. It’s not “isolated incidents”, it’s being encouraged by Gruppenführer Hancock

      • The setting up of snitch lines is unforgivable. Indeed so. Of course the snitches don’t realise that it will all be recorded; categorised; synthesized, into a nicely designed database, waiting for someone with the right skills (“skillz”) to access, download, and publish it.

    • Surely just because the police are even worse elsewhere doesn’t excuse their overly-eager implementation of their new ‘powers’ here? That’s pure whataboutery.

    • “But Mum, those other kids did it too!”

      Did that ever work for you, Jaded? Because when I was a child, it never did for me. I was simply reminded that I was expected to be better than those other kids.

      What a shame you don’t think you should be…

  7. You mean that you know people that would answer “B” to all the questions (i.e. call the Police)?

  8. Over at the Ambush Predator blog there is a video of an encounter with the police. By all means dob in your neighbour for walking his dog more than once per day, don’t whatever you do report followers of the religion of peace for their illegal gatherings though.

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