From Pandemic

To a police state.

Keeping the over-50s in isolation longer and requiring people to prove their age when out and about is ‘the safest way out of lockdown’, researchers claim.

A Warwick University study found that a ‘rolling age-release strategy’ was the best option to end the lockdown introduced to slow the spread of the deadly coronavirus.

The strategy proposed by researchers is based on the fact that death rates from COVID-19 among 50-year-olds are 20 times higher than deaths among 20-year-olds.

Study authors wrote that that police officers would have to be given the power to fine those caught breaking the age rule to ensure it was followed.

In an extreme example – set out by the study authors, based on Chinese data – they say releasing over-50s early without a vaccine could see 40,000 extra people die.

I am currently going out to do the shopping. I live alone, so no one else is going to do it. I can’t work due to the DVSA having closed its doors until June. When they start tests again, I will be going to work and no one will stop me. And, yes, I understand the risks. I will take the risk of dying rather than live in this half-life of isolation. If I have to make a stand, then I will make it. Enough. This is my line in the sand.

I am reminded of Sir John Swinson at the battle of Homildon Hill in 1402, when the Scottish army was facing certain defeat:

Better to die in the charge than be massacred here! Forward, men! Forward!

I am not going to sit inside for months on end waiting for a vaccine, when I can be out at work and living my life. So, yes, I will take the risk,  for all life is a risk and we may die tomorrow anyway.

The researchers don’t think older people should be kept out of work though, rather that they should make use of technology like Zoom and Microsoft Teams.

‘Far from being left on the shelf, older workers can play a vital role as supervisors and mentors using the communication technologies which have come to the fore during lockdown,’ he said.

You twat. You utter, utter twat. Not everyone can work at a computer screen. Fuck off.

NHS expert Mike Fischer, agrees that over-50s should stay at home during the coronavirus outbreak.

That will be forever, then, because this virus isn’t going away.

No. I refuse. Once the DVSA start tests again, I’m going out on the bike and delivering training and fuck you, fuck you all to hell and back again, you totalitarian bastards.


  1. NHS expert Mike Fischer, agrees that over-50s should stay at home during the coronavirus outbreak

    I’ve had no success in finding his age, but judging by several pictures, and the following quote (from:

    “Mike completed an undergraduate degree in physics at Oxford University in 1971”

    Mr Fischer must be in his late 60’s. Can we assume he will be remaining at home until a vaccine is developed?

  2. Perhaps those dingbats may try explaining that to our dentists gp’s, the PM, the HoL, that idiot in charge of the SNP; my scooter mechanic, the guys who drive JCB’s and a huge number of people who drive HGV’s… etc, etc.

    Cyprus has announced phase 1 of their exit pathway and have made an ADVISORY to all over 65 to avoid large crowds, act your age and caw canny. Their President is 72.

    • The guys who drive JCB’s and a huge number of people who drive HGV’s… etc, etc

      Point that out, and these dingbats will probably tell you jobs like that will soon be automated! There are already tractors which will work a field completely under GPS control. Of course, they still need a driver sitting in the cab, just in case…

  3. I’m 61, I’ve been going out on nice long bike rides. On these rides I make contact with literally nobody. I am also keeping fit and topping up my vitamin D which will help me survive should I catch the bug. I’ve also never seen a single copper so I think I’ll take my chances.

    Isn’t it also the case that, as an oldie with underlying health issues, I have a not insignificant chance of dying in the near future so I can therefore challenge any twat in a uniform to persuade me to give a single fuck about him and his rules?

  4. Given the doubts, rumours, innuendos, denials and general SH*T that seems to have come recently from China, the twerp says that we should believe in his study “based on Chinese data”?

  5. I am 65 and in pretty good shape, in my previous occupation I could not have worked from home,I wont be staying at home , the bloke is a total c**t

  6. fuck you, fuck you all to hell and back again, you totalitarian bastards

    Exactly my thoughts when I read article this morning, then went out for non-essential reasons. The hate the Left spew is incomprehensible – viral brain damage?

    Twat said “Most people carry a driving license” – really? Under 25s maybe for supermarket ID, I don’t and never have

    – Aus not so prone to TDS

    ‘No doubt in my mind Hydroxychloriquine is very effective’ against COVID-19, that’s why I bought 32.9 Million doses for Aus

    No doubt in my mind all the @BiGs still complaining “Not proven in full multi-year clinical trials, let them die” and “There’s a [fake] shortage, let them die”

    COVID Update – Focus on Vitamin D

    Makes more sense than all the Left’s racist virus, UK deprivation & poverty etc rubbish. Maybe we should stop importing them as it increases their virus death rate

    Oh, almost forgot:

    Today: Royal College of Surgeons – BAME healthcare workers should be ‘removed from danger’ on frontline because they are ‘genetically more at risk of Covid’ despite it piling pressure on white NHS staff

    Ahem, I’ve been being racist and saying that for over a month eg:

    Gov should be ‘racist’ and say no brown/black treating CV19 unless they sign disclaimer notifying increased risk

    BTW: Couple next door didn’t repeat last weeks lonely pot-bang and clap, good. Bad is some fool on other side was walking about alone banging a pot – hope fool crawled home embarrassed

    • Yeah, the whole “Clapping Seals” bullshit is very un-British and quite rightly ignored where I live up in Jockland. Then again we’re not mired in diversity unless you could refugees like myself (Manx/Irish) from Englandshire and other parts of the British Isles.

  7. The researchers don’t think older people should be kept out of work though, rather that they should make use of technology like Zoom and Microsoft Teams.

    Fucking priceless. Unlike these “researchers” mu work consists of rather more than holding endless, pointless meetings on Teams. How is the economy supposed to function by just holding lots of meetings?

    Stupid tossers.

  8. Based on a Chinese wet dream, oh sorry “data”.

    Police can spend all their time harassing older white people. That’s different how exactly!

    Why don’t they stop fucking about and make everybody over 50 wear some easily recognisable symbol on their clothing. Oh I don’t know, a yellow star?

    If they want to ease off this lockdown , should they be doing it by age? As a 60 year old fart, this is not just me being selfish.

    Where I live, a south coast seaside town, I see people walking and on pushbikes on the seafront. In shops the queues are not too bad and plenty of the time non-existent. I’ve hardly seen a copper, and those few I have appear quite sensible.

    There is one thing the town I inhabit is singularly lacking and it begins with D (free mask if you can guess).

    It would likely be better to open up the less densely populated areas and smaller towns first. Why does everything have to be London, London, London.

    But I suppose if this was done it might expose a few truths that dare not speak their name (AKA things everybody knows)

  9. I agree with Longrider. The Study authors can Foxtrot Oscar. I’ll decide if I want to take a risk. I go to the shops (local) and do the shopping. Owing to no delivery slots available from ASDA I will have to do the click and collect the larger shop from there as my wife is self isolating. We live in a village 10 miles from everywhere else. You take a risk of death or injury every time you use your car for goodness sakes. No! And I can only be fined by a court of law if I am found guilty of something. Bill of Rights and Magna Carter.

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