1. Looks like a humorous meme to me, at least I laughed my balls off reading it. It has to be composed by a lefty – only they would accuse people of being what they are themselves. You can tell whoever it is, that he/she has overdosed on kool aid.

    • I’ve got a pretty well developed sense of humour, but I just found it snide and unpleasant. Humour needs to be clever and genuinely funny.

      • It’s not humour. It’s pure hate. Same with the pithy wit of the “deatherendum” wishing that people who voted in a democratic referendum die.

        I assume that TWATs will not be required to clap the NHS heros?

    • …the unitended consequence: eBay selling TWAT badges, people wearing with pride and telling Plod to FO

        • As a 51 year old with no preexisting conditions sign me up. I stand with TWAT.
          Ideally I’d like to be able to buy my chloroquine and amoxy too. Then I’ll take my chances thanks

        • You know you are a TWAT so why not proudly wear a lapel pin badge to show the world.

          The badge is 32 mm and finished in a nice classy Matte finish


  2. It’s very much a ‘Leftist’ piece of humour- about as funny as diagnosis of a serious illness or a close family bereavement. Utterly cringeworthy and espousing every fashionable cliche imaginable. I sincerely hope the creator contract COVID and dies in extreme discomfort, preferably alone and in terror.

  3. Stuff like this, the left’s ‘wit’, always bring to my mind the daft, and sometime spiteful, things kids do at school. It seems some people just don’t seem to grow up past that sort of ‘humour’. I can just imagine someone at school knocking up something like the above.

  4. Its weird, there’s lots of other sections of society that indulge in all manner of activities that are risky health-wise (drug use in general, intravenous drug use in particular, anal sex, marrying your close family, drinking until your liver explodes) yet those people never get lectured about how they should be excluded from NHS coverage due to their personal choices…………

    • The person who posted this is a fellow motorcyclist. He doesn’t get the irony. But then, he doesn’t do irony… I’ve tried, really I have, but I’m wasting my time. One day, it will hit him between the eyeballs and I’ll just have to tell him that I told him so.

      drinking until your liver explodes

      Actually, drinkers and smokers do…

  5. Lots of rage lately LR. All justifiable IMO. Covid is applying pressure to the tectonic crack in our society which has been building since Bliar first came to power. Brexit cracked it open good and proper, and the reaction of people like this mirror that displayed by hard line remainers.
    Contains the classic line, ‘not a burden on the NHS’. Always a sign of top drawer gobshittery. Over 40 years working I’ve contributed a ton of tax and NI, so if I fall ill, I’ll take my ‘free’ healthcare all the same thanks, regardless of the choices I make.


    • That of course is the point. If they don’t want me to be a burden, give me back the money I’ve paid in and I’ll buy my own healthcare. No? Well fuck off then.

  6. @LR

    Link to source please

    It’s Friday, time to laugh at real Twats:

    “Meghan Markle’s defeat at the High Court today has been branded a ‘disaster’ and a ‘humiliation’ by leading lawyers after she lost the first round of her legal battle with the Mail on Sunday.

    Large parts of her case against Associated Newspapers were dismissed as ‘irrelevant’, ‘inadequate’ and ‘impermissibly vague’ by a top judge this afternoon including her claims of a malicious media ‘agenda’ against her.

    Mr Justice Warby has also ‘struck out’ her allegations that journalists had acted dishonestly and had caused the rift between her and her estranged father Thomas by ‘digging up dirt’ to portray Meghan in a ‘negative light’….”

    ‘Megan denies colluding with her friends who leaked letter details’ – how did they know about it then?

    I hope she’s stupid and stubborn enough to continue case

    Haven’t bothered reading this drivel by Corona Derangement Morgan

  7. As long as it also means ‘Totally Withold All Tax” I’m cool with that. I suspect though that he wants his cake and eat it as well….

    • Yeah, I could go with that, but these facile virtue-signallers want to keep the money and withhold treatment based upon their preferred prejudices – see also, smoking, drinking, riding motorcycles and extreme sports.

  8. This virus thing reminds us that there are no shortage of the type of people who would have told the Nazis where the Jews were hiding.

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