I Know the Feeling

Hitch in the Mail on Sunday.

Why do I bother? For six weeks now I have been saying that the Government’s policy on Covid-19 is a mistake.

Most people do not agree with me, and many are angry with me for saying so.

Others, bafflingly, don’t care about the greatest crisis I have seen in my lifetime, and regard the debate as a spectator sport.

Let me say it again: the coronavirus is not as dangerous as claimed. Other comparable epidemics have taken place with far less fuss, and we have survived them.

And if you publicly say so, you are a pariah who wants people to die.

It has not been much fun fighting this. In fact, it has been exhausting and dispiriting.

I feel as if I am in a nightmare where I can see a terrible danger approaching but when I cry out in warning, nobody can hear me. Can’t you see? I yell in the dream.

If you don’t defend your most basic freedom, the one to go lawfully where you wish when you wish, then you will lose it for ever.

And that is not all you will lose. Look at the censorship of the internet, spreading like a great dark blot, the death of Parliament, the conversion of the police into a state militia?

Again, spot on. Fifteen years ago, I joined enthusiastically in the fight against the terrible identity cards act and the truly evil plans for a national identity register. I was younger then and more able to take the constant onslaught of the hard-of-thinking idiocy that came back – you know, the nothing to hide, nothing to fear, fuckwittery or it’s only a card and the accusations of being some sort of conspiracy theorist tinfoil hatter because I wanted to maintain our basic civil liberties. The majority, it seems, are contemptuous of civil liberties and are happy that the government is taking them away.

Now, in my sixties, I’m tired, yet this fight is even bigger. So, yeah, I can see where Hitch is coming from.

Aren’t you alarmed by the creation of a creepy cult of state-worship, celebrated every Thursday night – in a country where church services and normal public gatherings are banned?

Yes. Dare to say it openly though and you are some sort of monster who hate the new god – well, that bit is broadly true, actually.

Well, this is where it really starts to matter. We are about a fortnight from the moment when huge numbers of jobs will be in danger of permanent extinction.

It’s already started, mate. They will only care when it hits them good and hard.


    • Ah but the best twist is the medieval mask is filed with smouldering tobacco leaves to give immunity from Covid.
      Watch for cognitive dissonance!!!

  1. How long before the cruise ships are re-deployed to start bring in the replacement population from Africa?

    The UN needs one-party voting, McDonalds eating, Coca-Cola drinking Muslims if it is to rule the world.

  2. Meanwhile, we have been trying to help by patronising local businesses that have been finding ways to carry on trading. One of our local chippies is doing a click and collect service where you give a description and reg number of your car and they deposit your order by your drivers door and retreat. There is a company that normally supplies caterers doing a similar service. Your order has to be at least £50 and they load it into your car boot without you leaving your car. Massive bags of frozen chips and frozen veggies, 5 litre cans of washing up liquid regular sized bottles of milk, that kind of stuff. There is also a local company that delivers excellent pies that you can freeze and then cook from frozen in half an hour. Our local garage and local convenience store seem to be doing OK because small top ups are easier there because the queues are shorter than the ones at the big supermarkets.

    • My local Post Office Convenience Shop owner used to go to his wholesaler twice a week he now goes every day. Nice family, they deserve to do well out of this.

  3. I say it. Along with the French health service is the best in the world and we should adopt it plus the personal insurance necessary in addition to taxes. It is expensive but it is the best. I’ve worked in the healthcare sector for 30 years or more. I respect our front line HCPs but not the crappy, wasteful, incompetent NHS.

    • Oh yeah, I forgot. As a professional medic/microbiologist I replied to Hitch. With no vaccine we have to go herd immunity with certain specific lockdowns otherwise we get megadeath but no mega than with seasonal ‘flu but in addition to.

      • Those that die due to Wuhan Virus are mostly same as would die from Flu, Rhinovirus etc – thus it is not in “addition to”, it’s ‘instead of’

  4. Hector Drummonds latest analysis of ONS stats can find no evidence of a significant newncause of death
    So what are the chances this is all a hysterical over-reaction easily treated by a combination of sunlight, Vit D supplements and Trump pills as prophylactics.
    Unfortunately that means publicly changing your mind, so more chance of crashing the economy and blighting the future for a few million people.

  5. Agree with Hitch and you, it’s like being the little boy vs naked Emperor

    Also in MoS, something I observed and commented on a week ago: Peeps becoming More scared, agoraphobic & social phobic

    Coronaphobia is rife in UK: Three new polls find just one in four Britons would feel safe at work and up to 67 per cent are opposed to schools reopening

    …Psychologist Professor Dame Til Wykes of King’s College London told the Guardian that ‘it is likely that most people will feel anxious’ as lockdown restrictions are lifted.

    She said: ‘We have been given strict behavioural advice for more than five weeks, and when that is removed people will feel pressured, and individuals who had pre-existing anxiety, particularly about their health, will be worst hit. It will take quite a lot of psychological treatment to get over this.

    ‘Different groups will be more affected than others, in particular the elderly and also parents, who will worry about their children bringing home the virus from schools.’…

    Who’s to blame? Gov & MSM death & panic mongering

    Who doesn’t see it? BBC Marr today: “Parents will be pleased schools re-opening so they can go back to work … blah ..Another 691 have died, no cure, no vaccine, 2 years”

    Littlejohn sees it too

  6. There was a report on radio 2 news in the second week of lockdown about a woman being arrested for ‘loitering’ on a train platform and being unable to give a good reason for her possible intention to travel. All this in the best BBC tone of righteousness indignation.
    She was actually arrested for refusing to identify herself to British Transport Police. Prior to lockdown Police could only demand your ID if they reasonably thought you were about to commit a crime (or if you were driving a vehicle).
    Our right to anonymity has thus been lost to Covid19.
    That report soon disappeared as the clamour over Police heavy handedness mounted.

    • Conviction was overturned on appeal

      The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) of the United Kingdom will begin reviewing every charge, conviction, and sentence that has been brought under emergency laws following reports that overzealous police have wrongfully charged people during the pandemic

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