How Does a Civilisation Crumble?

Little by little.

Merriam-Webster dictionary has agreed to revise its definition of racism following a request made by a recent graduate.

The current definition of racism in the Merriam-Webster states that it is “a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race”.

Kennedy Mitchum, from Florissant, St Louis, Missouri, who recently graduated from Drake University with a degree in law, politics and society, found that people would use the definition of racism in the dictionary as the basis for arguments.

However, as the 22-year-old explained to St Louis television station KMOV, the definition as it stands omits mention of “systematic oppression”.

So one whiny student complains and they cave. The definition as it was, was correct. Now we have this absurd notion of systemic oppression. Which, if you want to refer to it is covered by the term “systemic oppression.” So no need to change the term racism.

As these arseholes seek to subvert the language, they seek also to subvert thought and freedom of expression. You cannot have wrongthink if you don’t have the words to express it, after all.

That noise you hear? Yeah, George Orwell is spinning again.


  1. Has anybody thought to ask what the Jewish community think about it. Now they can claim systematic oppression for well over 2000 years. Now don’t see them protesting in the streets breaking the law of the country they live in.

    • They’re much too smart for that: they usually make the laws of the country they live in, but they do it very quietly.

    • Probably because we have commandments that say we must ‘keep the peace of the city in which you live’ and ‘The law of the King of the land where you live shall also be the law forthe Jew’ The only time that I can recall of Britain’s Jews getting violent is against Mosley’s lot when they reformed after the war and that was mostly British Jewish ex servicemen who were really pissed off with seeing an ideology that they’d fought hard across Europe against, trying to set up shop again in London.

  2. DIstance learning is definitely the future!

    Maybe brick and mortar univeristies – pseudo marxist indoctrination camps that far too many of them are – will go the way of the lamestream media.

    The left think they are masters of control but in reality I donlt think they have a clue.

  3. The real point here is that they are trying to change the definition so that white people are always racist and POC/BAME whatever the fuck can never be racist. It’s the road to Orwell’s Newspeak.

    • It is a form of ‘newspeak’. If people don’t believe that Black people can be racist then they’ve never been around West Indians and the views that some of them have towards Africans and vice versa

  4. Racist UK? No

    Nigel Farage vs a gaggle of ITV, BBC, HuffPost Leftists inc Piers Moron
    The Debate Gets Heated over Whether Controversial Statues Should Be Removed

    Removed? No
    New ‘descriptive’ plaques? No
    They are historic, leave as is same as buildings. Removal/destruction is ISIS, Stalin, Hitler, Mao behaviour.
    UK Labour has recent history of destroying monuments – the Ed Stone

    Point to ponder: if UK hadn’t been rich and No1 power in C19, would we have been able to unilaterally impose “End of Slavery” on rest of Western world?

    Yorkshire Tea Endorses #BlackLivesMatter & proudly supports tyranny
    David Dorn’s murder, St Louis, Missouri celebrated by Yorkshire Tea

    From arson, looting and murder during the American riots, to injuring 30 police and tearing down statues in the UK, #BlackLivesMatter have not exactly shown themselves to be a movement of peace. This makes it seem that companies such as PG Tips and Yorkshire Tea signalling they are pro-BLM is done from coercion

    Wonder how Left twist this inconvenient truth?
    – Karl Marx supported slavery and was racist

    • There is a lesson here for companies that sell tea. Just sell tea, leave social media to the idiots. Why on earth do tea companies think that they need to express an opinion on anything other than tea?

  5. Entirely predictably the local council have announced a review of our statue on ‘The List’ because “BLM are incredibly important to us and the people of this city…widespread consultation…grade 2 listed…Historic England…”. So we know how this will end.
    As reported on Local Live online. Their very words.
    “The statue has been previously vandalism…banners saying ‘wanting for war crimes’ “. They are not my typos in that sentence.
    They go on to accuse the subject of the statue of organizing concentration camps (said war crimes presumably) despite linking to their own earlier lengthy article that completely exonerated him.

    The vandalism referred to took place last year and, despite being just off the Uni campus, our students took not the sleightest interest except for one who on reading the inscription ‘HE SAVED NATAL’ asked “what’s natal ?”, (pronounced as in post-natal).
    Seems education has fallen already.

    • if they dug Orwell up, wrapped him in copper wire and reburied him between two magnets, the rate at which he is spinning in his grave should generate quite a few Megawatts, methinks. How is that fro carbon neutral etc?

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