
I’ve read some bullshit in my time but the Guardianista never fail to deliver.

But the real story of the past decade has been how ideas once confined to the far-right fringe have entered mainstream politics through more respectable channels.

This is the thrust of this idiotic comment piece. The people who object to the far left riots of recent weeks are not and never have been far right. Objecting to the overt racism of groups such as Hope not Hate and BLM is not far right, it is the reasonable sensible centre ground – as is an objection to our history being erased and monuments desecrated or torn down in violent ISIS-like tantrums.

They – we – are the quiet majority. The reasonable, ordinary people with reasonable ordinary opinions. It is the far fringes – on one side of which is the Guardian and the BBC – that are trying to make out that far right rhetoric and ideas are now mainstream. They aren’t. They never have been. What has happened is that the lunatic wokerati have pushed the overton window so far to the left that Joe Stalin is in danger of becoming a Tory.


  1. And this is where Boris Johnson and the big C Conservative Party have failed so completely. So cravenly. There seems to be no one – in the political arena at least – willing or able to articulate the position of the moderate, peaceable majority nor any of their compelling counter arguments against this instigated madness. This is what the ‘Red Wall’ gave you their votes to do Boris you utter fool. Clearly you will now betray them too. So who else has the mettle to do it? So far it’s been left to a powerhouse coalition of elderly Boy Scouts and the Football Lads Alliance. Sigh.

    Macron’s visit is a classic of competing forces – we must cover up Churchill as a ‘controversial’ figure, but simultaneously uncover and celebrate him in remembrance of the nation’s finest hours fighting, er, the fascists. Schrodinger’s Churchill perhaps?

    I must confess to an element of deep enjoyment over the current Gandhi kerfuffle in Leicester, though. It seems like only yesterday that Dickie Attenborough was unleashing his Lean-scale epic of re-education on us, and now its heroic protagonist is sinking faster than Harvey Weinstein dumped into the La Brea Tar Pits in lead chains.

    Are your thoughts pure citizen?

  2. This last election I spoiled the ballot for the first time in my life. Our local MP is a good constituency MP who takes the time to deal with people’s problems and doesn’t send out beetle letters. I just couldn’t bring myself to give my vote to the current Conservative party. Not that it made any difference, the seat has been Conservative my entire lifetime.

    Having said all that, I did enjoy swimming in lefty tears after their side got annihilated. Of course they are all too stupid to see that the Tories have moved so far to the left that it doesn’t matter.

    • Mine is Labour and gay but is so well thought of as a constituency MP the the Tories and libwotsits don’t even bother campaigning against him, I choose not to vote against him and so abstain but like you still enjoyed Boris’s victory.

  3. Boris can remember The Iliad in the original but not the huge mandate entrusted him in the election. People want to be led. He could have led them. Instead he buckled and now he and the public are being led by the press.

    What a mess our politicians are. There is no one to vote for. That cannot end well.

    • ++ for the first time I have no party to vote for – it’s always been a least bad scenario but now they are all too awful to contemplate. Nigel?

      • It’s definitely time for a new party. Two problems: first, Nigel would want to run it, and his track record is of short term, single issue pressure groups that apply their pressure by contesting elections. Second, it would automatically be cast as ‘far right, probable terrorist, definitely racist’ by the press. It would probably be best to focus on winning over members of local Conservative associations – who are probably as fed-up as any. That would give it a ready membership of clearly mainstream people, at least, and maybe ones who would see the problems with Farage.

  4. What has happened is that the lunatic wokerati have pushed the overton window so far to the left that Joe Stalin is in danger of becoming a Tory

    Facebook’s Zuckerberg attacked by Left for not being Left enough and not knowing facts about the the Left orgs he/facebook hires to virtue signal

    Facebook has admitted to banning swathes of users for posting messages saying they were “Proud to be English” on St George’s Day

    • Best comment on your first link was “shame the game was played without a crowd who could have voiced their opinion about such antics”

      As the players took the knee imagine the Mexican wave of “SHAME” roll around the stadium.

  5. I can’t really comment on the grauniad, not having read it for forty years even though my Google news feed pushes it at me.
    Eryone I have thie conversation with in this strongly Labour city says much same thing about the BBC and it’s so called ‘news’, “I don’t believe any of it” or ” I just switch the news off, same old negative sh!t”.
    I have only bought one copy of the Telegraph during this ‘crisis’ and I don’t see many people carrying papers in the street.

    Is UKTV still a channel? If so they are stuffed, was just watching an old Simon Scharmer doc and UKTVs self promotion vid featured some old general on his horse. Can’t make out who he is but he’s an imperialist and racist so UKTV must fall.

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