Authoritarian Fuckwits

Blojo is considering making the wearing of face nappies compulsory in English shops (Oh, FFS! – Ed). This despite the evidence for their effectiveness being weak.

The government is considering making masks mandatory in English shops, Boris Johnson has hinted, as senior scientists urged ministers to be seen in face coverings more often to set a good example.

“As we get the virus down, in the way that we have, and we stamp out local outbreaks in the way that we are, I do think we need to be stricter in insisting that people wear face coverings in confined places,” Johnson said during a Q&A session with voters on social media. “We’re looking at ways of making sure that people really do have face coverings, in shops, for example.”

So, fuck the evidence, something must be done, this is something so we are doing it.

We’ve had a bad flu year (yes, yes, I know this virus is not the same thing exactly as flu and can be nasty, but stats wise, that’s what we’ve had, okay?) and this utterly useless clusterfuck of a government has destroyed our civil liberties, trashed our economy, thrown lord knows how many out of work, created a rich environment for scammers to make hay and watched the death toll rise to what it was in previous bad years and is much the same as countries that haven’t locked down. Indeed, the evidence for locking down in order to stop this thing doesn’t exist. It’s done its thing regardless, which is what anyone with a grain of common sense will have sussed out three months ago.

Meanwhile, in other news

Two reports charting coronavirus cases in England show the number of people in the community with the disease is falling.

The Office for National Statistics estimates one in 3,900 people have Covid – 0.03% of the population, down from one in 2,200 the previous week.

And data from Public Health England shows confirmed cases fell by 25% in the week to 5 July.

In Leicester, they fell to 120 per 100,000 from 140 per 100,000 last week.

In other words, it is doing precisely what I would expect it to do. Yet as it fizzles out, the fuckwits in Westmonster want to have us walking about in face nappies that serve no fucking purpose whatsoever.

Well, I won’t. I’ll shop online and avoid going into shops if that is what it takes. But I will not comply with this behaviour. I will not enable it.



  1. I remember when 9-11 happened I was working in Canary Wharf in Canada Tower, and the next morning when I came in there were two bomber jacketed security goons at the main door checking passes. I looked up at the gleaming tower, imagining the World Trade Centre the day before, the planes crashing into it, the carnage and mayhem and I thought to myself ‘What the Hell are these two supposed to achieve?’ But something had to be done, no matter how pointless, ineffective and ridiculous, so they did it.

    This is has all the hallmarks of exactly the same thing. Either the ‘danger’ has passed and we are returning to life, or there is still a ‘killer pandemic’ on the loose. Both things simply cannot be true at the same time.

    The lunatics really have taken over the asylum.

    • I was at Canary Wharf the day after the last IRA bomb which I believe killed a newsagent; I was looking for a major magazine publisher and asked the Policeman manning the road block how I might get there.
      “Dunno mate, they just called me in from Southend”.

  2. Wrong move wrong time Bojo, by the time Covid reappears for Season Two we will be well into ‘the boy who cried Wolf!’ territory.

    It will be very difficult for Tesco (and the other supermarkets) to impose this on their staff who abandoned face pants months ago to no ill effect.
    Even if they do I can resort to 05.30am
    maskless Commando shopping at my lovely local Post Office/Convenience Store which sells 95% of what I need, if a little more expensive.

    • I think you’re (all) missing a terrific opportunity for mischief here.

      What will happen when manager of said Post Office orders you to unlawfully remove your mandatory face covering (full face black balaclava)?

      Call the police to arrest you for complying with the law? Will they (plod) forcibly remove it?

      ?Hours of fun (for me to watch on youtube whilst eating my home deliveries).

    • You are sort of missing the point. Even if masks can be proven to have a small positive effect, there is no longer a need for them. Daily average for new cases is now around 550, out of a population of 67 million. The vast majority of these cases are not serious. So your chances of getting it are negligible but even that is beside the point because this thing has to pass through a significant proportion of the population before it can die out. This process has to happen, whether slowly or quickly makes little difference in the long run.

      • CDS #1 gert fat young woman elbowing her way out of MCcolls arms full of crisps and assorted sugary comfort snacks bared her teeth and stabbed toward me with podgey little pinkey like a hex warding off evil.
        (curiously unmasked).

    • The conclusion contains the killer quotes, doesn’t it?

      In England face masks and coverings for the general public in public places have not been mandated beyond public transport and hospitals. Wearing a face mask or covering in the UK has had very low uptake (~25%, late April 2020). The lack of clear recommendations for the general public and low uptake of wearing face masks and coverings may be attributed to: (i) over-reliance on an evidence-based medicine approach and assertion that evidence was weak due to few conclusive RCT (randomised controlled trial) results in community settings, discounting high quality non-RCT evidence. There have been no clinical trials of coughing into your elbow, social distancing and quarantine, yet these measures are seen as effective and have been widely adopted; (ii) inconsistent and changing advice from supranational organisations (WHO, ECDC) and other nations with variation in policy even within the UK; (iii) concern over the applicability of findings across multiple settings (health care versus general public, other pandemics and countries), yet many ‘lessons learned’ from previous pandemics, including public wearing of face masks and coverings, repeat themselves during COVID-19; and, (iv) mix of supply concerns of PPE shortages of surgical face masks with recommendations for face mask and covering wearing for general public.

      An over reliance on evidence, fuck me, whatever next? Indeed, that says it all. As Stonyground points out – the time has passed anyway. We had a bad flu year this year. The worldwide reaction was one of unprecedented panic and over reaction.

      The results across the globe, regardless of policies adopted has resulted in much the same outcome, albeit some outliers such as Japan and New Zealand have seen smaller spikes.

      Fuck knows how they will react if there’s an alien invasion.

      •  if there’s an alien invasion.”

        Last time I caught sight of the Parliamentary Channel, I came to the conclusion that it had happened and they’d already seized control.

  3. The narcissist pricked can’t allow the possibility to exist that they are morons and all this was for nothing, so continual new bollocks emerges.

    At some point a new civil liberty party becomes viable right?

    • What this has shown is that we have a weak-minded populace who treat liberty cheaply. So cheaply, they clamoured for the lockdown and rushed to the phone and Internet to dob in their neighbours. People I thought better of have been spouting the mantra “stay home, save lives, protect the NHS.”

      We are doomed.

      • People I thought better of … indeed.

        I live in a nice village, a quiet life, pleasant ordinary people— maybe I live in my own internet bubble, during lockdown I thought this cannot hold more than a few weeks, people will come to their senses soon enough. But now three months on: the pub is open but only if I book in advance etc; the croquet lawn is open but absurd rules (musn’t touch the ball) which people seen to take seriously.; church is open for private prayer for a few ours each week (social distancing etc. as if it were ever needed in a building that is always conspicuously empty ); bell ringing? sorry, I don’t want to let the band down, we are barely quorate as it is, but I will not play along with any muzzles and disinfect the ropes nonsense. Nice village, a quiet life, pleasant ordinary people, but I am beginning to despair of them.

        “Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, and one by one.” Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds, Charles Mackay, 1852

  4. Presumably Blobby Boris is sounding out about compulsory masks at this late stage because he wants to be ahead of the herd ?

    CDS #2 cyclist coming towards me full on lycra lout but with added Corono Visor (@ 45% LOL) but no crash helmet. This knob clearly thinks he is in more danger from covid while cycling about than the likelihood of head trauma should he encounter a stone, or a bus.

  5. Dear Mr Longrider

    Mandating face masks is nothing more than a public display of obedience (PDO™) for the sheeple. It presents a fine opportunity for the local enforcers to make a bit of dosh and the true believers to point and shame.

    I read that most masks are as effective at stopping viruses as a chain-link fence is for mosquitoes.

    I was listening to some woman on the radio this morning (I was tuning it for a friend**) emote about face masks and how the sudden rise in cases in America will kill them all because Donald Trump doesn’t wear one.

    The US stretches from sub-tropical to arctic – from a virus’ point of view it is not one country. I checked only New York, Texas and Florida on New York is over it, already. FL and TX only started their pandemics around mid-June, so they should peak in a week or two. Throw in some other states and there’s the ‘new spike’. Situation normal, so PANIC!!!

    New Zealand and Australia’s lockups were in their summer. I suspect they can look forward to a full on pandemic starting … soon.

    Mandating face masks in the UK at this late stage is ridiculous even if they were effective.

    This is just another step in the ongoing experiment to see how far we, the people can be pushed by our beloved government™.

    For the majority, it seems, it’s all the way.


    ** Actually true.

    • “For the majority, it seems it’s all the way”

      Not around these parts, prior to being compulsory only a tiny minority are wearing masks, usually the elderly who, if they are that worried should still be shielding at home.
      Just practised the Y-Fronts mask in the bathroom mirror, very effective, very ridiculous, not recommended for driving.

  6. Time now = 3pm,Sat.
    Have just got home from “shopping in Town”where – chap I had an appointment to see, DEMANDED that I remove my ‘face mask’.

    I wasn’t until I bought a Daily Paper, that I discovered he had been subjecting me to ” a serious gender divide”. (Caroline Noakes MP,Tory – her words). He trimmed my 15mm long beard and moustache. ‘Apparently’ – he wouldn’t have treated a Female Client in that manner.

  7. I will not be wearing a face nappy either ! Shops that insist on it won’t get my business and can go bankrupt for all i care. Many shops and cafes that i used to spend considerable amounts in such as Waitrose and Costa Coffee have treated me like shit recently so no more business for them from me !!!

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