Good News

A fightback against cancel culture and a win for the Free Speech Union.

Nick Buckley MBE, who was ousted as chief executive of his own charity last month following some mild criticisms of the Black Lives Matter manifesto, is back in charge thanks to the Free Speech Union. As of today, the trustees who fired him have all resigned, new trustees have been appointed and Nick has been re-appointed as CEO of Mancunian Way, the award-winning charity he founded in 2011.

This is welcome news. The trustees were unable to hold their nerve in the face of an online woke mob. The simple answer when the mob started calling for his head would have been to told them to go boil their heads, because ultimately, the mob has no real power. A flat refusal to bend the knee leaves them impotent. Their tactics only work because of the cowardliness of others.

Fortunately, the FSU is leading the fightback.

Luckily, Nick is a member of the Free Speech Union. It got behind a counter-petition, which has attracted over 17,500 signatures, and found Nick a top flight solicitor in the form of Keystone Law’s Geoffrey Davies, an expert on charity law. After Geoffrey discovered some irregularities in the process the trustees had followed, and pointed these out to them, they agreed to resign. They have now been replaced by three new trustees, appointed by Nick. And Nick is now back at the helm.

Good. The cowards have gone. Hopefully the new trustees have a spine. And, hopefully, this will send a message to those who are thinking of caving to the wokerati. The consequences of sacking someone for saying something the Woken SS don’t like might end up with your head on the block.

Toby Young’s organisation may be the new kid on the block, but he’s claimed a few scalps already. Long may it continue.


  1. Good! I don’t know how I came to hear of Nick in the first place but since then I had been following his Twitter feed with a mounting sense of outrage at his treatment by the original trustees. I’m glad that you have reported some good news.

  2. Related story:

    Red Bull just reminded their ‘wokest’ employees who calls the shots in a total massacre of “social justice warrior” employees.

    Not only were the top two North American executives fired, but so were entire marketing teams and “culture” teams that were dedicated to pushing the lie of systemic racism.”

    Is the tide turning at last?

    • I prefer conspiracy theory of systemic / instutional / intersectional / wanky Guardian word racism. The SJWs use that as a dismissal. Hurts more when it’s used against them.

      • Ultimately, there are more of us than there are of them. The cowards are reacting to a vacuous, but noisy minority. Once they realise that they can stand firm and that caving has consequences (as it has done here), then the tide will turn.

    • So Christian Horner will not be rushing to Lewis Hamilton to offer him a job? Good

  3. A fight back against left wing shitty journalism too, I believe that you covered this story at the time.

    Nicholas Sandmann, one of the students from Covington High School who was vilified in January 2019 for innocently standing at the Lincoln Memorial with his student group while wearing a MAGA hat, won his defamation suit against the Washington Post today.

    If I remember correctly, the altercation was started by the other guy but the video was selectively edited to make Sandmann look like the aggressor. He got $250 million in compensation.

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