1. The sheeple were out in droves at our local Asda this pm. Failing the availability of a willie mask, here’s my offering. Just print it samesize, fold over a length of official-looking string, glue it and brandish it!

  2. Given the BBC is carrying another prima donna doctor who also is preaching the government line I am becoming morenworried about the competency of medical training.
    Aftwr your comment on the Youtube wannnabe the other day, that is 2 drs who are unaware of anoxia and its different appearance / susceptibility in and of different people.
    Are these doctors fit to practice given they are unaware of how those not young and fit are susceptible to breathing difficulties, the young and fit being the least likely to require medical help.
    Questions should be asked

    • “2 Doctors”

      That’s straight from the classic sitcom “Fawlty Towers”, although those characters did appear to have a good understanding of their line of work. In fact, given that they were portraying psychiatrists, I wonder what they would have made of Boris Johnson? He may not be quite as bonkers as Basil Fawlty, but then again….

  3. Someone pointed out elsewhere that those vulnerable people who self isolated for 3-4 months are precisely those most eligible to claim exemption from face panties, if they dare.
    Good luck to the mask G-String guy though it was probably a media set-up, better quality pics in the Evening Standard but The Sun seems to be turning our way perhaps because, (by my observation) more women than men are wearing masks and Working Bloke men are the least likely.

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