Think I’ll Pass

Marvin wants us to put up asylum seekers. Except, they aren’t asylum seekers, are they? They are illegal economic migrants.

The mayor of Bristol has urged residents to take asylum seekers into their homes so that they don’t end up living on the streets during a housing crisis.

Mayor Marvin Rees gave his support to a scheme which lets volunteers host refugees in their spare bedrooms – adding that the city should be a place ‘where everyone feels welcome and safe’.

Okay, assuming that these people are fleeing conflict, they had a choice and the international convention on asylum supports that choice – they could and should have sought asylum in the first safe haven they reached. One argument I saw recently was that they might not be able to speak the language. Well, tough. If you are fleeing persecution and war, then language is the least of your problems. You take what succour is offered.

David Cameron had this one summed up – there is nothing wrong with us helping those people once they have sought refuge in a refugee camp and that once the conflict is over, they return home. That, I feel, is a fair deal.

However, if the first thing that someone does upon arriving is to break the law, then my sympathy is zero. Sorry, but if you break the law to get in, then I don’t trust you not to break other laws when you are here, so no, I won’t be offering a room.

Of course, Marvin could lead by example…





  1. I’m still waiting for Yvette Cooper to take some Syrian refugees in, as she so publicly pledged to do three years ago….

  2. A senior retired RN chap was interviewed on beeb R2 yesterday saying that the Navy should be involved to oversee the numerous different Agencies involved.
    At no point did he say anything negative or hostile about the incomers, his concerns were entirely operational.

    On comes Lizzy Smyth-Buxworth of Womens Solidarity Nexus (made that up but you know the sort).
    Blah blah innocents, war torn, hardship, suffering. . . the usual
    and then goes on as though the RN wants to blow the fuckers out of the water and back to where they belong.
    That might be the right course of action but it wasn’t what he said.

    (Lizzy didn’t offer her spare room).

  3. Nigel mentioned the 48,000 ‘asylum seekers’ currently being put up in hotels at our expense.

    48,000 at circa £70 per night = £3.36 million per night, £23.5 million per week, £1.2 billion per year.

  4. It both infuriates me and disgusts me to see these cross channel invaders being called ‘refugees’, As far as I’m concerned they are nothing of the sort. A real refugee goes to a place that is relatively easy to get to and is not afflicted by the conflict. Both Lebanon and Jordan have taken a large number of what I would call the genuine refugees from the Syrian conflict, the people who got out to somewhere somewhat safer. Scammers on the other hand cross multiple safe countries to try to get to those nations that will dish out the most welfare, the best housing, give them the least hassle and which are known to pander to people like them and ideologies that they follow.

    Some of my wife’s relatives were real refugees and not all of them made it to safety. Some of whom, when France fell in 1940 had the good luck to have dual French and British nationality and therefore had a place to go and only just made it here, they were leaving Paris by the north just as the Nazis were arriving from the East. My wife’s relatives repaid Britain’s generosity by joining the UK military and serving in fields as various as intel to admin. They worked hard, obeyed the law and contributed greatly to the life of Britain. One of them was later knighted for one particular aspect of his war work something that saved many British pilot’s lives. Those of my wife’s family that didn’t get here, took a one way trip to the East on a German train.

    When I compare the story and life of the real refugees in my wife’s family with the cross channel illegals I get damned angry. These cross channel illegals are not fleeing in fear of their lives, they do not face murderous oppression unless it is something that they’ve brought on themselves such as by having involvement in Islamic terror groups. It is also unlikely that many of them will contribute to Britain. Sadly, access to welfare and freebies seems to be the main motivation for too many of these illegals. These illegals will, unlike my wife’s family, be a horrific burden on the UK. They will be a burden financially, as they are unlikely to earn as much as they take even if they do enter employment. They will be a burden socially due to the crime that they will without doubt commit and will probably be among those who make the lives of too many Britons a misery with anti social behaviour and intimidation.

    Real refugees are grateful for rescue like my wife’s family are, real refugees are not piss takers like the cross channel illegals. I cannot bring myself to call these invaders ‘refugees and it makes me sick in the stomach to hear the media and lefty religious types refer to them as such.

      • Indeed.

        The only thing I would add is that I am starting to hate – deeply and viscerally – the stupid, arrogant children who are making this happen.

        Left to themselves, I doubt if many of these “refugees” could find a shithouse unaided. They are being brought here, deliberately and calculatedly. Those bringing them know EXACTLY how they are going to behave and while I can’t, of course, prove it, I suspect that the arrogant globalist cliques secretly relish every reported rape, murder, church desecration and the sight of formerly clean and civilised towns turning into primeval shiteholes.

        There are millions of people, getting angrier by the hour at having their noses rubbed in “diversity”, seeing their country, culture and history trashed, reviled and belittled.

        This WILL turn ugly as all means of redress, complaint or anything else have been closed.

        I just wonder exactly how.

          • That is a distinct possibility and it will be very interesting to see what trajectory the US takes over the next few years.

            If the Donald wins (most likely) another 4 years of “not my president” and complete hostility from all arms of the media, deep (and not so deep) state. Who knows what lunacy they will come up with.

            But if dementia Joe and that vile, race baiting, half witted witch that others have selected? I almost want to see it to be honest, out of sheer morbid curiosity.

            This side if the pond, I’m watching France. Their religion of primeval backwardness and permanent offence population is bigger than hours, and perhaps indicative of what this country might look like if this goes on unchecked for another 10-15 years.

            France is also the only other proper, ancient nation state in Europe. Say what you want about the frogs but – like us although it’s not done to say so – they do have a real sense of France as something more than just a collection of geographical features.

            They also have rather more of a penchant than us for taking to the street. It will be very interesting to see how Marine Le Pen does two years from now.

            “Le Blair” – whose betrayal of France is truly shocking might find himself in the middle of a full blown Euro crisis with the Kaiserin saying “sorry, you’re on your own”.

            Glad I’m the age I am.

          • A bit more of taking to the streets like the French do would be in order here. Otherwise we are going to end up as a Muslim shithole.

        • Yep i quite agree. I am getting very very angry by all this diversity bollocks rammed down my throat..

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