Spiked Nails It

Spiked comments that Twitter is not the real world.

In a video to his supporters, he thanked them for helping him romp to victory. For a man accused of confusing Twitter for the real world, for confusing the concerns of the metropolitan online echo chamber with those of ordinary people, for backing policies (like a People’s Vote) beloved of Westminster Twitter but loathed in his party’s former heartlands, this is all too perfect.

Unfortunately, it’s not just him, is it? Media outlets and businesses alike will cow before the Twitter mob, mistaking the hysterical screeching of a few deranged nutters as being representative of the country at large – a county that mostly doesn’t have a Twitter account.

Twitter is a poisonous cesspit. A vile collection of extremist activists with a voice that exceeds their influence. Yet, oddly, when the Twatterati start screeching, businesses and individuals fold and bend the knee.

Although, it’s nice to see that not everyone does.

Adele has set Twitter alight amid claims she commented ‘Wah Gwaan’ on a new video amid her ongoing cultural appropriation row.

It would seem that she is not apologising and nor should she. Giving two fingers to these people is the best way of reminding them and the adults in the room that in reality they are an insignificant, noisy bunch of self-righteous, self-entitled nobodies who should be ignored. After all, if we refuse to bend the knee to them, what can they do? Shout louder?



  1. Nobody condemns non-Whites wearing a suit, jeans or trainers of cultural appropriation. And, of course, The concept of national flags is European.

  2. Twitter has amplified certain voices way past above the painfully embarrassing threshold.

    As for ‘cultural appropriation’ are those screeching about it using technologies not invented by their racial sub group? Then by their own rules they should cease doing so and give us all a a bleeding rest.

  3. Twitter being “an insignificant, noisy bunch of self-righteous self-entitled nobodies” is presumably why HMG uses it as the preferred medium for announcing its lockdown diktats.

  4. The Corbyn story has set me up for the day, what an industrial strength pillock. Of course this is the guy who thinks that we would all be living in the most abject poverty were it not for the Labour movement. I think that Boris Johnson is a bloody clown but he is a genius in comparison to Corbyn.

  5. “Twitter is a poisonous cesspit”

    99% of it may be, but a few decent people have been using it to expose the government lies and hypocrisy regarding Covid. Hector Drummond & Alistair Haimes are two I check several times a day. And the fact that many others in the same vein are frequently censored or taken down by Twitter’s “Woke” management shows that they must be doing something right. Prof Karol Sikora took to it after failing to get any airtime in the conventional media, and now the likes of Prof Carl Henegan are FINALLY getting heard by the MSM after doing likewise.

  6. You’re not wrong in general but some of us are on there trying to redress the balance. You should join us. Your trenchant voice would have more impact than mine in such a medium. I’m so measured (you might say fluffy) in the way that I express myself that I haven’t yet been censored. I must try harder, but I will never be you.

  7. I suppose that it should come as no surprise that Jeremy’s victorious acceptance speech contains nothing much that isn’t standard outdated socialist boilerplate.

  8. I doubt Adele has the balls of JK Rowling – putting her hair in stupid ugly knots doesn’t inspire confidence. She’ll soon prostrate herself before Left mob as Tayylor Swift did

    imo strongest young & famous is Max Verstappen

    Nancy Reagan was correct: “Just say NO”

    ITV Black guy in lounge suit & tie: I’m against cultural appropriation
    – Link is for citation

    • I hadn’t heard of him either. The only way to deal with offence archaeology is the Arkell v Pressdram response. It was over thirty yeas ago, get over it… Every time they apologise, they encourage the mob.

  9. I’m surprised that you haven’t heard of Talking Heads, they were quite big thirty years ago. Having followed the link, I see that the comments are full of puns based on song titles. My favourite comment was this one though, almost worthy of Mr. Ecks.

    “Is it cultural misappropriation to throat punch all the limp wristed,right on, guardian reading, woke, LGBTDGIRNDBRZZXFF, some lives matter, snowflake weak spunktrumpeting fucktards who feel the need to apologise on behalf of themselves, you, me and fucking unicorns for them, or their ancestors massacring fucking tofu!!! ?
    Cnuts! They should cnuting well cnut off!!
    They’re as annoying as Shockcnut.”

  10. I prefer blogs to Twitter.
    Once you find a sensible blogger it is good to follow them and they have an interesting train of commenters. Even the trolls can be fun.Why I miss Raedwald and Woodpile Replort.
    For me Twitter is tainted because I know that what I read is what I am allowed to read by some filter.

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