War on Ideas

I don’t like the press. I have experience of their manipulations and outright lies, not to mention ignorance. When you have been part of the story, you see for yourself how distant from the truth these people can be.

That said, when they do their job properly, they shine a light on the establishment as the Daily Mail did at the weekend.

Ross Clark picked apart the figures and dismantled the government’s case. This is what journalists are supposed to do. However, all too often, they merely repeat the government line – or the line peddled by so-called experts and abdicate their responsibility as reporters.

That said, I am not fan of this plan.

A hate-filled war on press freedom

UK lawmakers are set on purging media outlets of dangerous ideas.

Oh, it gets worse…

Unfortunately, the Law Commission now wants to apply this ‘likely to’ logic not simply to race but to all hate speech: sexual orientation, transgender status, sex and disability (including mental illness). And if you thought the commission was not targeting the media here, you’re in for a shock. Its consultation paper gives the specific example of a religious broadcaster that broadcasts bought-in material, does not check it thoroughly and as a result broadcasts a statement from some fanatic that all apostates deserve death; it then treats it as obvious that the station obviously ought to be guilty of a serious criminal offence.

The Law Commission is the enemy of liberty. You do not counter bad ideas by making them illegal, you counter them with robust argument – out in the open.


  1. An additional problem is that if you quote something specifically to argue against it the idiots will have you up for hate speech. Either because they really are that stupid or are being deliberately obtuse.

  2. I was staggered by this consultation document and appalled. How have we managed to reach a point where the statutorily established body responsible for thinking about and recommending changes to the law seriously recommends changes that ride roughshod over freedom of expression and criminalise opinions expressed in the privacy of people’s own homes? Truly the woke and intolerant have completed their march through this particular institution.

  3. The consultatiion is a sham, like all other Gov’t ones The report is 493 pages (?) of turgid text, it and cconsultation are designed to be off-putting to all but the activist groups demanding end of Free Speech.

    I urge everyone to consider joining the Free Speech Union

    imo Law Commission should receive no Gov’t funding and treated as any other self promoting lobby group

    Re: DM
    Attacking awkward truths is a sinister sign of weakness

    Ross Clark
    What they DON’T tell you about Covid: Fewer beds taken up than last year, deaths a fraction of the grim forecasts, 95% of fatalities had underlying causes… and how the facts can be twisted to strike fear in our hearts

    Ross Clark writes for Mail, Spectator and Telegraph

  4. Heroic article. About some chunk of the press wrote the truth.

    I can only the fact this was allowed indicates a shift in views above the MSM priesthood….

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