A Voice of Dissent

Beverly Turner has been subject to the mob led by the execrable Piers Morgan. And, having a spine, she is doubling down.

Having her say, she wrote for MailOnline : “Personally, I find it impossible to view the events surrounding Sir Tom Moore’s latter days without looking through the prism of Covid-19, the government’s response to it and the various ways in which our country has been manipulated and controlled with no clear metrics to escaping lockdowns.

As Peter Hitchens pointed out recently, there appears to have been no cost benefit analysis carried out before focusing on covid to the exclusion of all else. So she is right here. A rational and reasonable comment, I’d say.

“And I’m deeply saddened that this wonderful country seems suddenly beset with curtain-twitchers, jobs-worths and finger-waggers desperate to dob in the neighbours or simply shake their heads at an empty doorstep on any ‘designated clapping day’.”

Yup, can’t argue with that. I deplore what we have become, so it’s nice when someone in the public eye is prepared to stand firm against the mob and the hard-of-thinking cretins and say what many of us have been quietly saying throughout this crisis.

We have had a nasty flu type virus circulate. The figures being bandied about have been gerrymandered to make them seem worse – take, for example, captain sir Tom Moore. Apparently died of covid. No, he didn’t, he died after testing positive. He had prostate cancer, skin cancer, pneumonia and was over one hundred years old. He died of old age and likely as not, it was the pneumonia that did for him as it does with thousands of old people every winter. How many more disingenuous death certificates are there out there?

I don’t doubt that hospital admissions have increased as people who developed breathing difficulties were admitted to ICU even though they were dying anyway, but now get recorded as a covid death.

Even the 100,000 figure is disingenuous. It is a figure concocted by adding two separate flu seasons together, to make one scary figure. The government and the media have been consistently lying to us to justify their draconian measures.

Beverley said that “every death is sad for someone” but said that Covid-19 remains “relatively harmless” for the “vast majority” of people.

She claimed the lockdowns are leading people to believe that its an “instant death sentence for otherwise healthy people”.

Again, I can’t argue with that, but you can see why a professional bed-wetter like Morgan would get in a tizzy.

“It’s great that he lived to 100! It’s awesome that he got one last fab holiday.

“But I’m not clapping in the St to maintain the fear that imminent death is all around & we’re all in this together.

Yes, quite. This clapping lark is positively soviet and I refuse to engage, no matter what the cause.


  1. It used to be a saying that everybody is entitled to their opinion. Sadly this is no longer true. The tragic thing is that so many people are too stupid and ignorant to understand how important freedom of expression is. Pierce Morgan is entitled to his opinion no matter how much you disagree with him but it is fun to watch him hoisted by his own petard. You have to be stupid or wilfully ignorant not to understand that not wishing to clap for Tom is not the same as hating or disrespecting him.

  2. The death of Sir Tom was unfortunate for his family. But more so for the “narrative” over Kung Flu, any death is counted as “Covid related” if there is the virus when tested. Over in the US, I recall hearing that a man who died after being struck by lightning was classed as Covid because he had tested positive! No mention of a few million volts possibly having the casting vote.

  3. Cost benefit analysis:

    At the March 2020 SAGE Cabinet meeting where lockdown was being voted on, one minister asked if a cost benefit analysis was available: stunned silence all around. Gove eventually said No, not necessary

    And so this mindset of ‘nobody must die with Covid’ continues in Gov’t, collateral damages, friendly fire doesn’t matter

    Spot the Pandemic Year in Scotland

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