Is It Possible?

I wonder sometimes if it is possible for Piers Morgan to become an even more obnoxious, toxic, bullying scumbag than he already is. After all, this was the man who printed fake photographs of our troops when at the Mirror, then there was the little matter of hacking into voicemails on his watch. Anyone else would have disappeared into well deserved obscurity by now, yet here he is fronting a breakfast news programme where he regularly berates those who dare to disagree with him. The latest little example of his fragile ego comes from a Twatter spat – and a bigger twat it would be hard to imagine.

Piers Morgan had a Twitter spat with Beverley Turner after she said she wouldn’t be clapping for Captain Sir Tom Moore.

The TV presenter decided not to join in as the nation clapped at 6pm on Wednesday night in honour of the veteran, who died of coronavirus this week.

Her move was branded “pathetic” by Piers, who promptly blocked her on Twitter.

Her reasons were fair enough and not entirely dissimilar to mine. I didn’t clap either. However, when it comes to “pathetic,” Morgan more than fits the bill. When it comes to vacuous virtue signalling this puffed up self-righteous, preening, popinjay nonentity is right there at the front of the queue.

Fortunately, I don’t have to watch his programme and choose not to do so as I like to digest my breakfast, not bring it straight back up. Thoroughly nasty piece of work.


  1. Did anyone actually clap last night? I don’t recall hearing any applause in my neighbourhood (south-west London) at 6pm yesterday.

  2. Nature abhors a vacuum, but not, it would appear, a hole in the air.

    With the disgusting campbell seemingly reduced to a toytown Baldrick, there is a slot for a bloated monster of spectacularly un-selfaware excrescence.

  3. There was not only clapping where I live, but also a firework display, probably some rockets left over from when the thieving, scumbag, travellers moved on after being shown how little they were wanted. I didn’t join in, but I did watch the tv programme about him and had a whisky to toast the memory of a remarkable, very genuine, man.

  4. My wife said that she saw the couple over the road clapping and looking round to see if anyone else was. So that’s 2 sky clappers in my street

  5. Silence here. Silence at my mother’s and my brother’s too

    Piers Moron is deranged over BLM, Covid, Trans & Trump and ratings plummeting. About the only time he’s correct now is when he’s on subject of Harry & Marbles

    On Christmas he trumpeted “Stay home alone, save the NHS, Don’t kill hundreds” then flies to Antigua

    Clap for “Captain Tom and the NHS” – the NHS infected and killed him
    Will NHS staff be looking themselves ‘in the eye’?

    Close to my thoughts

    “Dear Captain Tom: Rest in peace – not applause”
    Emily Hill says he deserves more respect than this virtue signalling festival


    “Capt Tom donations: What was the £33m spent on?”
    BBC report explaining it went on snacks [for obese], tea breaks and a “well-being wing” for hospital staff

  6. I think those who say that Sir Tom would have been embarrassed by the clapping are probably right. I admired the man but there was no way I was going to take part in a spasm of emotional virtue signalling. The rot set in when Diana died; the country has become emotionally immature and incontinent.

  7. I recall several decades ago, Private Eye christened him “Piers Moron”. I have had no reason since then to disagree with this most apposite of re-namings.

  8. Tom Moore of course deserves admiration for his achievements, but frankly on Wednesday I was more concerned with the 1200-odd people who had been recorded as deceased due to the virus.

    I have no idea why either GMTV or the Daily Mail continue to employ this pompous, gaslighting arsehole. He is the worst face of ‘journalism’ imaginable, bot to mention a liar and a bully.

  9. @John
    Wakey-wakey, they didn’t die “due to the virus”, they died with a positive PCR test but no diagnosis.

    Last year 388 healthy under 65 died with a positive PCR test. That is not a ‘deadly pandemic’

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