Actually, No

You’ve got this back to front.

However, the trip caused further backlash.

“I think we accept that whatever we do somebody won’t like it and there was outrageous negativity and yet we realised we had to shelter him from that,” she said.

“It came in its thickest and fastest when we were already realising he was not very well and that’s what triggered it. It felt so grossly unfair.

“What do you do with it, though? We had to put it away and say those people who say those terrible things they have no idea how hurtful they are being obviously otherwise they wouldn’t do it.

Au contraire that’s precisely why they do it. I’ve been on the receiving end of this. Not to the same degree, but I’ve had anonymous haters treat me to the benefit of their unwanted opinions and it is definitely designed to cause hurt. They get off on it.

The best way of dealing with it is not to give them airtime.


  1. It is the behaviour of small people. Small minded people who have never acheived anything in the whole of their pointless little lives.

    I find it a little sad that old Tom gave the fruits of his fundraising efforts to the NHS. It is such a bottomless money pit that I think that he may as well have set fire to it for all the difference it will have made. I will be happy to stand corrected if I’m wrong.

    • I had someone leave an anonymous comment on my writing blog. It was just a stream of insults. As it’s a WordPress site, it went into moderation where I just deleted it and banned the idiot concerned. I very much doubt that this person had created anything of worth in their pathetic little life, preferring to attack those who do.

      And who can forget the likes of Dickie Doubleday and Bane? Both pathetic creatures looking to make themselves look big.

    • Reminds me of the spinster who had lived like a pauper and left her £500k estate to the Government of the day to spend as it saw fit. It was the coalition government when she died and the Tories and Lib Dems divied it up for party funds until Labour got wind of it and caused a stink. By lunchtime Cameron was on telly saying that, having realised that the lady’s intention was that the government use it for the common good, it had been decided to put it towards paying off the deficit. By the evening news a journalist had worked out that it would pay off something like 0.000001% of the deficit. Poor, naive woman had probably intended a new children’s playground or some such.

  2. They would be better targeting the NHS that killed him, just one of a growing list of ‘caught on the wards’ fatalities – joined today by the brilliant Christopher Lee, the historian who wrote the amazing ‘This Sceptred Isle’, who also caught Covid during a hospital stay. The obituaries are full of them but no-one seems to have the balls to call it out.

    They’re more concerned with rehearsing their next Tik-Tok routine or downing the next doughnut to maintain their BMI than to worry about trivial things like infection control.

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