Goose, Meet Gander

The far right have been peddling a racist curriculum apparently.

A far-right group is pushing a “hateful and poisonous” home school curriculum which uses racist songs and claims all English people have white skin.

Patriotic Alternative claims 10,000 people a month are viewing its “wholesome” syllabus online during lockdown.

It claims it helps kids “learn history and culture free from the shackles and ideology of the National Curriculum”.

Parents are told to teach their children how Britain abolished slavery – glossing over its involvement in the shameful trade for 300 years and blaming “African chiefs” for selling their people.

Lessons focus on a “heroic age” when Britons were “a superior kind of people showing great feats of courage”.

Actually, much of that is true. We did abolish the trade, we did spend time, effort, money and lives stamping it out and African chiefs did sell other Africans into slavery. However, I’ve not looked at it in context, so won’t comment further. But I will merely pose this: In what way is this different to the anti-white critical race theory being produced by the likes of the anti-white racists such as Robin DiAngelo?

It seems if you are racist against white people, that’s fine and dandy, but if you are white and want to promote white history, it’s not. Yet we are expected to endure black history month (which I make a point of ignoring).

If race relations are at an all time low, it isn’t because of a small fringe group on the right, it is because of BLM and the wokery being splurged at us by craven, cowardly politicians and businesses who have caved to the hysterical racism coming from the Twitterati.


  1. Back in the 1980s I used to regularly compete in Karate competitions. Once I advanced to national level I was a rather little fish who was only very marginally successful. One thing that I remember from those times was that there was a very cosmopolitan mixture of different races involved in the sport and how we all rubbed along together so well. I never encountered any racism whatsoever, people were judged on their martial arts abilities mainly, but generally we all just got along really well.

    Contrast that with the situation that we face now, identity politics have made racism mainstream again. Those who are screaming the word racist into the face of everyone on the “extreme right” are making sure that race is made the top priority once more.

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