Speak for Yourself

On the subject of Harry and Megan…

MEGHAN Markle and Prince Harry’s new aide has said that “all white people are rife with internalised racism”.

Ah, yes, one of those.

Genevieve Roth, the Duke and Duchess’ new strategist, has revealed she realised her “unconscious bias” after marrying her black husband, Jordan.

Riiiight. Of course, having realised that she is a racist, she then projects it onto the rest of us. Well, I reject the accusation and I have no intention of changing my ways. Genevieve Roth can take her woke arse dribble and stick it back where it came from, frankly.

She admitted that race is an “issue” in her marriage and added: “As a white woman of privilege, I have racist tendencies written in at a cellular level.”

Bullshit. Utter, utter, utter infantile, anti-scientific, gold plated, diamond studded 23 carat bullshit. There is no such thing as racism at a cellular level as anyone who has the slightest inkling of biology will realise.

I am rife with internalised racism and unconscious bias.

“And to all of the non-black folks reading this, we need to get clear on something: So are you.”

No. I. Am. Not.


  1. Sounds like her husband has got her just where, and how, he wants her.
    I wonder how Black he is on the Pantone scale?o

  2. CRT again, the twisted genius of which is that if you disagree with them its not because its all BS but because you are unaware of your biases which therefore proves their point!

  3. Does it never occur to these anti-racist racist useful idiots they are making racism more prevalent* as people avoid interacting with them? Their ring-leaders want anarchy, not harmony

    MLK has been cancelled

    * Since the angry TS lobby erupted support for TS ‘community’ in USA 16-35 age group has gone from majority support to 65%-70% against

  4. I wasn’t genuinely racist a decade ago, but with all these leftwing and SJW’s calling me racist regardless, it’s making me genuinely more racist.

    That and all the media sleight-of-hand whenever a crime or terrorist atrocity is committed by “People of Colour” or members of the Religion of Peace.

    It isn’t me that’s changing so much as my tolerance of bad behaviour and the excuses of the left.

  5. Superstitious claptrap.

    Nobody on the planet can have “unconscious racism”, because nobody has an “unconscious”. It’s a made-up idea.

    Stamping out this kind of mystical psychobabble is step one on the path to stamping out Wokism.

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