Oh, Well, He’s a Monster, Then

The head teacher at the Pimlico school.

The headmaster at the heart of the Pimlico Academy race row is a ‘disciplinarian’ who once had portraits of the Queen and Margaret Thatcher as well as a Union flag above his desk, a former colleague revealed today – as the founder of the academy chain that runs the school angrily denied claims it is racist.

Daniel Smith, whose students staged a walk-out at the London school yesterday in a rebellion against his ‘back to basics’ policies, was vice head of Ebbsfleet Academy in Swanscombe, Kent, from 2013 to 2017.

Literally Hitler, then…

That said, bowing to the mutiny has set a very bad precedent. He was right the first time around and should have stuck to his guns. Who, after all, is running the school? The students are there to get an education, not dictate to the staff. And of course, as is the way of things today, everything gets blamed on racism – in the least racist country on the planet.

That said, I would suggest that some of the uniform requirements were petty and unnecessary. But overall, I am with him rather than the mutinous pupils who want black history taught – that is going to be a remarkably short syllabus.

‘There weren’t really issues around race at Ebbsfleet, as it’s a predominately white working class area, but Mr Smith didn’t show much interest in the family backgrounds of his pupils, he was only interested in discipline and exam results.’

Because that was his remit.

The source did acknowledge that results improved ‘markedly’ during Mr Smith’s tenure, and the same uniform rules are in force there today, according to Ebbsfleet’s website.

An the problem is?


  1. The headmaster at the heart of the Pimlico Academy race row once had portraits of the Queen and Margaret Thatcher as well as a Union flag above his desk

    Is this Pimlico, China; Pimlico, Cuba or some other country where such display of foreign icons is treason?

    Oh, it’s London, UK – remind me when supporting Queen & Country became illegal? Best jail all military and police then

    Typical Guardian/BBC hatred of UK – except it’s that “right wing rag” Daily Mail

    I despair

    @LR Pupils not students. Rules: seem fine to me, make all equal and stop some virtue signalling

    “Because that was his remit.” – Exactly

    “And the problem is?” – need you ask? Left need to keep ‘the poor’ poor and uneducated

  2. From the article:

    “A teacher at Pimlico Academy who resigned and is set to leave this year told The Guardian that staff were feeling demoralised and had fundamental disagreements with some of the choices made by the academy trust’s leadership”

    So what’s the betting this was really organised by a teaching union rather than the pupils, then?

  3. Anybody who doesn’t like portraits of the queen can send them to me. I’d prefer the “paper” ones: £5, £10, £20 etc but I’ll accept coins as well.

  4. And then these same useless chavvy parents then gop onto do nothing but complain when their kids have no discipline, no respect for authority, no respect for rules or the law, and are all in gangs going around stabbing each other because they cant get jobs – and that will be all the Gubbermint’s fault as well.

    Sometimes you just can’t win. It would be nice to think that parents would support their local schools, but they are so full of their own self importance, goaded on by the stupidity of the internet and it’s “BLM is everything” noises, that they end up wrecking one of the few things that would give their kids a chance to escape the shitty lives they’ve been born into.

  5. I always thought that the left’s problem with grammar schools was that they were unfair in some way and so not good for promoting equality or some cack. The problem is of course that those that passed the eleven plus and went on to get a good education and a good job tended to go on to vote Tory.

  6. The one lesson they failed to comprehend;- Political correctness dulls the mind and extinguishes critical thought. Good luck to them.

  7. For me, the most shocking part was the kids chanting ‘there ain’t no black in the Union Jack’- the old cry of the actual racists! Things truly have gone full circle…

    • Yep, That was a National Front slogan iirc

      Strange that hundreds of non-whites flee France and illegally enter racist UK every day. The Pimlico rabble should use their dinghies and flee to France

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