The Great Misanthrope

There was a time when I used to enjoy David Attenborough’s wildlife programmes. They were well put together and entertaining as well as informative. Since then, we have discovered that some of the filming was outright fraud – the polar bears filmed in captivity, for example – and as time has gone on, Attenborough went from neutral narrator to pompous, preachy lecturer. I have long since ceased to watch his self-righteous, hectoring disquisitions.

Now, at least, he is being honest about his Malthusian misanthropy.

Sir David Attenborough has said that human beings have a duty to remember that we are “intruders” and “latecomers” to the planet when considering our environmental impact and that “the natural world, by-and-large, would do much better if we weren’t there at all”.

Well, yes and no. In the terms of history, mammals are relative newcomers and those that came down from the trees and walked upright even more so, this is true, but we evolved from simpler beings, so our ancestry isn’t exactly new. We, like very other life form, have our place. I do agree that there are environmental impacts to some of our activities and we could do something to minimise this – the use of palm oil springs to  mind as an example of unnecessary habitat loss. However, the idea that we should all be wiped out and the world would be better off without us, is extreme to say the least.

Which begs the question, when is Attenborough going to lead by example? Or is he like the other Malthusians such as Jonathan Porritt and company, preferring that it is other people who need to be put to death? How else will his aims be accomplished? However, the mass extinction of humanity doesn’t appear to include the great and the good such as Attenborough himself, or he would have done the decent thing by now – and in doing so would have spared us his ongoing flatulent bombast.

Bear in mind that these vile charlatans have been screaming about the end of the world for over half a century and not one of their dire predictions has come to pass. The climate changes. It has always changed and it is utter hubris to think that we should stop it from changing. But, then hubris is what consumes these people.


  1. Without humans to assign it a value, the natural world has no value, in such circumstances, it would just be, and it would neither matter whether it did or didn’t exist.

  2. Still, he’s created an opening for a whole new genre of “Why did the penguin cross the road?” jokes.

  3. He’s poisoned his legacy now hasn’t he. All those classic nature and wildlife shows, I can’t bear to watch him now. Vile man. Yes, as a species we have caused environmental problems, but in the big scheme of things they are relatively small and manageable. The world could have been well and truly tidied up with all the money that has been spent on the non existent problem of climate change.

  4. David Attenborough has previously expressed the opinion that the human population should be 500 million to reduce the impact on the planet and give the animals room to breath and breed. That’s about 4 “Thanos Snaps”. In truth, I suspect he might be right that reducing the human population to those sorts of levels would improve life for most generally.

    The problem is that the mechanisms by which you choose who gets to live (or provide their seed into the next generation) is the hard part, since I doubt that Mr. Attenborough is willing to off himself for the sake of the polar bears or whomever. It also sounds a bit fascists, with shades of Adolf & Co., very much brought to mind.

    The reality is that they’ve tried to cull “the worthless” (as classified by the Fabians, Sanger et al) and that largely went to target the poor, low-IQ, people of colour and those with disabilities. The “elite” such as Mr. Attenborough seem to find the opinions of such folk on their intrinsic value to the future of humanity not worth canvassing. Which makes them no better than the bastards who came before.

    Mr. Attenborough and the rest of his “elite” chums should take the sex and travel option.

  5. Yeah, and we have been fkin paying for it through the TV tax……..Time for a greater reset???

  6. “the use of palm oil springs to mind as an example of unnecessary habitat loss”

    Have you asked yourself why we suddenly need huge volumes of palm oil?

    The Greens are to blame: mandated bio-ethanol & bio-diesel in all fuel

    Save the planet by killing everything

    “Or is he like the other Malthusians such as Jonathan Porritt and company, preferring that it is other people who need to be put to death? How else will his aims be accomplished?”

    Yep, they believe they are exempt from world Gov’ts Covid cull. WHO now an ‘anti-vaxer’, that’s why Boris denied they help, as well as denier of early treatments

    “Early treatment studies (pooled effects)” is the most important
    UK, USA, Aus… Gov’ts deny Vitamin D, Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine etc work and won’t use/prescribe but ban them

    How much do they deny it? UK Gov’t banned doctors from prescribing/repeat Vit.D to care home residents early last year. Gov’ts were and are actively killing people

    “Bear in mind that these vile charlatans have been screaming about the end of the world for over half a century and not one of their dire predictions has come to pass”

    Err, over 200 years: Malthus 1798 writings. However, we now have Left Malthusian Gov’ts, Academia and MSM which is dangerous

    @John Galt
    At heart Attenborough and his ilk are eugenicists. However, they contradict this with their bleeding heart ‘if it saves one life’ H&S agenda. In days gone by evolution eradicated the idiots as they killed themselves by misadventure

    On human impact – we’re but a flea compared to nature as are all the other 100s, 1,000s of billions of other creatures on earth. Mass volcanic eruptions and we’re almost all gone as before:

  7. Mr Atten-bore wishes the human population to be reduced, as in his opinion (that of a TV presenter) the current population level is unsustainable.
    Sadly, he has omitted to list the members of the Atten-bore family he is nominating for the knacker’s yard. As do all his fellow travellers. I can’t help but feel he thinks population reduction is for the little people…
    Like others, I can’t abide this sanctimonious old hypocrite.

  8. Wasn’t he something in BBC radio when Saville was doing the rounds.

    I think it was considered an open secret, at least John Lydon thought so.

  9. We mammals are not at all new. We predate the dinosaurs. We mammals evolved in the Permian period 300-250 million years ago. Unfortunately most of the mammals and Permian reptiles died out in a mass extinction just before the Triassic began. Then the Dinos kept mammals small and underground mostly until 66 million years ago. Feathery bastards that they were.

  10. Where can I get a “Fuck off David” sticker to go with the “Fuck off Greta” sticker on my Ford pickup

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