
Imran Khan wants us to have Islamic blasphemy laws, despite not living here and despite being the prime minister of a foreign country.

Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan has boasted that his plan for Muslim-majority countries to unite and force Western governments to criminalise insulting the Prophet Mohammed will work.

The 68-year-old leader said lobbying Western nations, the EU and UN to adopt blasphemy laws with a warning of a trade boycott if they do not do so will be ‘effective’ in achieving their goal.

There is only one answer to that. Well, two. The first is “bring it on” and the second is to leave the UN. Blasphemy laws have no place in a civilised society. Islam is such a backward, ignorant cult that it needs such laws to keep people from reasonably criticising it. The answer to such laws is never, never, never.

Khan has no business trying to force his nasty creed on the rest of us. I for one will not submit. I will never submit and he can stick it where the sun don’t shine, frankly.

He said leaders of Muslim-majority countries should call on the West to ‘stop hurting the feelings’ of Muslims across the world with their current freedom of speech laws, reports Pakistani newspaper Dawn.

I don’t give a flying fig for their hurt feelings. No one is forcing them to listen. The opposite doesn’t apply does it? Islamic shitholes – sorry, theocracies – don’t extend the same sensitivity to Christians living in their midst. No, of course not. This is the usual trope of Islamic domination of the world being played out and we should have robustly resisted it a long time ago. El Cid knew what he was doing.

Khan said insulting Islam’s Prophet should be treated in the same way as questioning the Holocaust, which is a crime in some European countries.

Bollocks. And holocaust denial shouldn’t be a crime, so criticism or lampooning his ridiculous cult shouldn’t be a crime either.

Britain’s former foreign secretary Sir Malcolm Rifkind told MailOnline that trying to force Western countries to bring in such a ban would be ‘foolish’.

‘That is a pretty foolish decision. It is not countries that insult the Prophet Mohammed, it’s individual citizens. However distasteful that might be, as in Pakistan it is the law of the United Kingdom or any other country to determine whether they are allowed to do that or not,’ Sir Malcolm said.

Quite right and in a liberal democracy, those individuals are free to insult and mock religions as they see fit – that is how it should be. The hate speech laws we have in place should never have entered the statute book and we need to have them removed, because every Tom, Dick and Imran will start pleading special status under such laws.

He said it should be for the courts to decide whether insulting the Prophet breached the law.

Nope. Not even that. We should be free to say whatever we like about religions. Insult, mock, laugh and ridicule as we wish. The courts have no place being involved. And Imran Khan can bugger off. We are not bound by the laws of his country and he doesn’t get to make our laws.

Meanwhile, we need to adjust our budget following the mess the current government has made of it, so aid to Pakistan would be a good starting point.


  1. An omnipotent super-being who needs our laws to save his feelings doesn’t strike me as being very omnipotent.

  2. Don’t we ipso facto already have them when people can be cancelled/sacked/murdered for ‘insulting’ the prophet?

  3. I’m not concerned. As we move towards a world where we are less reliant upon the oil and gas products of Islamic shitholes (not that Pakistan has much in the way of oil and gas) we’ll be able to put the Muslims firmly back in the box they were in up until 1973.

    Want to worship the prophet and enforce his draconian thuggery masquerading as “Islamic Law”? Feel free to do that bullshit somewhere else. Preferably back where you and your horrid ideology disguised as a religion came from.

      • As someone who has observed from afar Pakistani society and come to the conclusion that it is a complete shithole, I understand that there is very little that Pakistan exports that the rest of the world actually wants. Whilst of course I would say that there are decent individual Pakistanis out there, Pakistan does seem to export a disproportionate number of religious extremists, sex offenders, ponces and societal disruptors.

        Those who founded Pakistan wanted independence from Britain and separation from the rest of the Indian subcontinent in order that they could live as they wished to live. They’ve got what they wanted and should have no right to interfere in countries that do not follow the same ideologies as they do.

        Sadly, to a large extent, many Western countries already have de facto Islamic blasphemy laws in the form of ‘hate speech’ laws that invariably favour ‘offended’ Muslims and treat members of other groups, such as Christians for example, with contempt.

  4. There is some sense to me in imposing it. Not because it’s right to do so of course, but simply because the leftists would soon see the error of their ways.

    Most genuinely seem to believe islam is a religion of peace at complete odds to the sensible view that it is incompatible with the Western world. It would be obvious within months if not weeks.

    The vast majority of adherents of any religion just want to make the best of their life and shuffle on peacefully, but it’s never those we’re concerned about.

    But the left seems to think they can be separated and they can’t. They’re here in plain sight, more arrive daily, it’s an occupation not immigration. And I fear the slow trickle won’t be noticed until too late.

    Won’t matter to me though, too old. I have kids though.

    • Unfortunately, leftists who haven’t grown out of it by adulthood never see the error of their ways.

      They just make up new “facts” to explain away the failure of their ideology – “that wasn’t real communism”, they’ll say, or “it was sabotaged by America/Israel/neoliberals/anti-revolutionaries”.

      In the same way, leftists always find a way to make the violence of islam the fault of its victims. No amount of experience can correct their bizarre ideology.

  5. Bring on the Boycott! What have the Pakistanis ever done for us?
    Well there’s raping of children, stabbing people in the streets, blowing parts of London up? I suppose so but what about “honour killing”, murdering medics trying to inoculate against Polio, falsely claiming “blasphemy” and murdering non-muslims? Oh and inbreeding on a scale that will kill them off in another hundred years or so whilst the affected children are left deformed, mentally and physically? Yes but what about benefit and electoral fraud on an industrial scale?
    Well there is all that but what has Pakistan actually done/

    • You are forgetting two categories that Pakistan excels in which are treating women like second or third class citizens at best and treating one of the few branches of Islam that really do want peaceful coexistence with others as if they are the equivalent of Satan’s farts.

  6. Blasphemy means insulting God. Insulting or ridiculing some bloke who might have existed in the 7th century is therefore not blasphemy at all. Next!

  7. @LR

    Well done for reporting this, Gov’t BBC etc have largely ignored this attack on UK by Pakistan

    Has it led to any RoP protests in UK, France…?

    BTW It’s anniversary of Obama’s covert op to invade “Allie” Pakistan to capture/kill Bin Laden

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