Well, Yes…

Of course challenging the scientific status quo is good.

When new facts emerge does it mean science can’t be trusted? Quite the opposite. Here’s why questioning established understanding is good.

But you try challenging the consensus on climate alarmism and the covid bullshit and see where it gets you. You will be derided as a conspiracy nut for doing precisely what this video says is a good thing.

After all, the experimentation and observation has demonstrated that the hypothesis regarding mask wearing, anti-social distancing and lockdowns as a means of managing an airborne pathogen is false… But you try saying that.

So, is the BBC really ready to trust the person who is willing to be proved wrong or do they prefer to stick with the person who is certain they are right? I think we know the answer to that one, don’t we?


  1. The BBC would not know a fact if it hit them in the face.

    I think the last 4 years with President Trump have shown that facts don’t matter for the BBC twats.

  2. Tha’ is an annoying voice. Couldn’ they have go’ somebody who could enunciate the “T” a’ the end of her words? I found myself waiting for the next “it” or “right” to see if she would ever get one righ’.

  3. I think it has been amply demonstrated that the modelling for both Climate Change and COVID-19 mortality has been overstated to the point of absurdity. Rarely in the mainstream press of course, they need drama to sell their product and make a crust.

    The more lucid studies that more accurately reflect reality tend not to get much attention because there’s no power or money to be had in good news. Like in Professor John Ioannidis University of Salzburg presentation.

  4. Maintaining doubt and changing your position on receipt of new information is fundamental to the scientific method. The fundamentals of the scientific method should be taught in school as a matter of course. I had to learn it from books, long after leaving school.

    Dilbert is relevant today.

  5. I got twenty seconds into that vid. The size of Pluto hasn’t changed, it isn’t that ‘the facts change’ it’s that someones definition of a planet changed! Just how much dumber can our ‘educators’ get?
    Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia.

    • Actually, if you had persevered, they got onto how Einstein challenged the Newtonian view of the universe. It’s interesting because the BBC doesn’t practice what it preaches.

    • Yes, I thought that Pluto was a poor example. They could have used the fact that, in the late 1990s CO2 was thought to have such a warming effect that in twenty years time Britain’s climate would be similar to the South of France. This is now known to be untrue as demonstrated by Britain continuing to have the same indifferent summers as before.

      • … and at the subsequent employment tribunal:
        Appellant: “So you see, Judge, that was the perfect example. I even found the actual reports from the time, and quoted them in my video. But the management called it gross misconduct anyway, on the grounds of that being evil wrongthink, and sacked …
        Judge: “OF COURSE IT’S WRONGTHINK! OUT, HERETIC, OUT! Case dismissed!!! Clerk of the court, pass me my plant based smelling salts!”

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