
I gave up on Dr Who a long time ago. I thought David Tennant gave Tom Baker a run for his money, but increasingly the programme became a tedious vehicle for woke propaganda. I recall there was one awful episode that was a blatant attack on capitalism. Unfortunately for the writer of this steaming pile of ignorant cack, it was a caricature that would have made the moustache twirling villain in a Victorian melodrama blanche at its sheer awfulness.

Then they decided to change the doctor’s sex and now, of course, he is set to become one of the alphabet soup brigade.

Olly Alexander is reportedly set to be the new Doctor Who and will become the first-ever gay actor to play the Time Lord.

It comes following reports that Jodie Whittaker has quit after half a decade of playing the iconic role, having taken over from Peter Capaldi in 2017.

According to new reports, Russell T Davies, who was previously an executive producer for Doctor Who, ‘championed’ Olly, 30, for the role.

I have no idea who this person is, nor do I have any inclination to find out. I don’t care one way or the other about his sexual predilections, but I do care about the blatant hypocrisy going on here. Dr Who as originally envisioned was a grandfather – so not gay. Ergo, we have a gay person playing a straight part. Reverse that and wait for the screeching from the usual suspects. See also the black Anne Boleyn.

Also, if they really, really want to have an intersectional sci fi programme, then write one from scratch rather than messing about with an existing character with an established back story. I expect more die hard fans (if there are any left) will desert this sinking ship.

I find myself wondering if the BBC can ever reach the depths of awfulness and they manage to surprise me. Yes, they can always dig a little further.


  1. During the William Hartnell days, I seem to remember him telling a companion that Time Lords could only regenerate so many times. That number Shirley has been reached, and exceeded by now.
    It started off as interesting sci fi for children written, I believe, by Terry Nation, who invented the Daleks. It was simple then, good against evil. However, it began to lose it’s way once the Wokerati elite got involved and explored various social aspects with multi shades of grey (about 50 at the last count, I think).
    Now waiting for some twonk at the BBC to bring in Ant and Dec.
    Mind you, I would watch any episode which had Alan Carr as the Zulu chief Cetawayo.

    • 12 was the limit, but the writers found ways around that.

      Personally, I rather enjoyed the revival era up until the last few years of Capaldi’s run (Steven Moffat was good initially at coming up with ingenious plots and season-long story arcs) when the SJW stuff started getting too in your face and stopped watching when Whittaker took over. The Critical Drinker and Dave Cullins have many good videos on youtube charting the scows decline.

      PS: regarding the Doctor’s sexuality, post-Hartnell he was pretty much Asexual (and at one point the backstory had timelords as sterile and created by ‘genetic looms’), it was only in the revival that he started fancying the companions.

  2. I remember a desperate Alan Partridge trying to interest the Beeb programme pickers in some really crap ideas, game shows, etc.
    Now we have them. And apparently people watch them.
    Twenty years ago if you tried to explain this stuff to your friends they would wink and tell you to pull the other one.
    Come to think of it, that sounds like a promising title for a game show.

  3. “Also, if they really, really want to have an intersectional sci fi programme, then write one from scratch rather than messing about with an existing character with an established back story.”

    But you see, this way they get to shove their ideas into the faces of people who don’t want them. At least until they get pissed off with it and stop watching. Your way they would have to build up a following from scratch. I suspect that the following would probably consist of almost no one.

  4. I actually enjoyed Olly Alexander as the gay actor in “It’s a sin”. I thought he did that very well, but then again he is a gay man playing a gay man during the early days of the AIDS epidemic, so history aside, really just being yourself on screen.

    Given that Doctor Who is meant to be one of the BBC foundational TV programmes, you’d thought they’d take more care of it, but as others have said, since Capaldi became Doctor it’s just been all over the place. They’ve had a woman Doctor in what appeared to be some kind of desperate attempt at reclaiming relevance now that has crashed and burned they’ve turned to the LGBT+ crowd to try and get a bump in the ratings.

    Sounds like Capaldi was the “Jumped the Shark” moment for Doctor Who. Can’t see it surviving the ridicule of it’s own inconsistencies much longer.

    I wish Olly Alexander the best of luck though. He’s going to need it.

  5. I expect the reason a gay actor has apparently been chosen is that Russell Davies is himself gay. I have no problem with gay actors playing straight, all actors are playing pretend and dress up anyway. I still want to know how it is that Dr Who always manages to pick other worlds where there is a breathable atmosphere and every Alien speaks English.

    • I would agree. However, the qwerty mob are insisting on gay actors playing gay roles, trans actors in trans roles and do on. I am merely holding them to their own standards here.

      Secondly, I am heartily sick of headlines blasting out about sexuality. It’s a private matter and should stay that way. It’s not that I don’t care about it, I don’t want to know.

      • “It’s not that I don’t care about it, I don’t want to know.”

        Exactly what I’ve been saying for years: if someone can only manage it whilst standing up in a hammock, wearing a tutu, a divers’ helmet, and green wellies, that’s his (or her) business. I simply don’t see why it’s any of my concern.

  6. “awful episode that was a blatant attack on capitalism”

    There’s a lot of it about in many forms. Have you seen Titanic?

  7. Actually I am completely unconcerned that they are going to sign a gay actor for this role. But what does concern me is that the BBC is then going to turn this kids sci-fi drama with a 60 year history into some kind of fucking rainbow parade.

    You would have thought that the experience of the woke ticking Jodi Whittaker – collapsing ratings – would give them a signal, but this is the BBC…

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