1. It is an interesting analogy. The disappointing thing is that, if similar tactics were used on employees in the workplace by their bosses, the Trade Unions and their political wing could reliably be expected to denounce them as bullying/abusive behaviour. During perhaps the one episode in my life when the Labour Movement might have done something useful, it has failed because in the end it cannot bring itself to oppose the overwhelming state power that has always been its panacea. It has sided with the abuser because it aspires to be that abuser one day.

      • I’ve been a life long Conservative voter. But I always feared the Right’s authoritarian streak, always wondered if one day they would go too far. It used to comfort me that the Left said it stood as a bulwark against the authoritarian tendencies of the Right, that when push came to shove they would side with the People over the Authoritarians. I now realise (indeed realised some decades ago) it was a lie, the Left had no interest in the rights and freedoms of the People, that attitude was just a ploy to get votes. Their entire interest instead was the power of the State itself, and getting their hands on it.

        We have lived through enlightening times over the last 5 years. Brexit has taught us that our democracy is a sham, that those who are in real power have no intention of allowing the People to decide anything. And now Covid has taught us that not only does the political elite not want the People to decide anything, they also don’t even have our best interests at heart. The People can and will be abused for the Elite’s selfish interests.

        I’m beginning to consider that the only way this ends is by revolution. And they never end well either, so either way we’re screwed……..

  2. The thing is, they have no power if the people refuse to play ball. The problem is that the vast majority really do believe that they have to do what the government tells them in order to beat the virus. My take on it is that all attempts to beat the virus are ultimately futile, it has to run its course and all that we are achieving is dragging it out longer. But then what do I know, I’m a conspiracy theorist but job.

  3. That was exactly my thought last Monday. Give people a little treat in the morning, kick them in the crotch at teatime with vaccine passports.

  4. I’m watching the 100 ball cricket. The girls are doing lots of hugging to celebrate getting a wicket and then doing fist bumps instead of hand shakes at the end.

    I’ve just been to the convenience store, mask signs still up, everyone but me wearing a mask, but they didn’t hassle me about it.

    Earlier post should have read nut job obviously, I’ve no idea what auto correct has against the word nut.

  5. I’ve never heard Neil Oliver sound so gloomy. He’s making a very serious allegation even if he believes the Government is well-meaning but grossly incompetent.

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