The Arrogance of Youth

Apparently those of us who declined the vaccine are naive.

One 16-year-old said he is planning to get the Covid jab so he won’t have to ‘worry’ about getting the virus, and criticised his ‘naïve’ parents for choosing not to get vaccinated.

Because at sixteen you know it all. When you get to sixty, you realise how much you didn’t know and that you were nothing but a cocky little jerk.


  1. It doesn’t stop you getting it and it doesn’t stop you from passing it on. The risk of Covid to a sixteen year old is small, the risk of the vaccine to a sixteen year old is unknown. So yes, think you know everything when you don’t even know the most basic facts.

  2. Mask update. I did a little shop at Asda today and it seems that a little over half of the shoppers are still wearing masks. I had hoped that as people saw that other people weren’t wearing them they would stop as well. Apparently not.

    • I just got asked to put one on at the dentist… I wasn’t wearing my lanyard. They accepted my “I’m exempt” with good grace, though. Yes, at the dentist.

      • I was asked to wear one when going for my diabetes check up at the local surgery. My comment was ‘I would have expected medical professionals to be above such laughable superstitions. I do wear one when I am asked to because I don’t see it as that big a deal. I do understand and respect your position on the mask issue too though.

        • I have two problems here. One is the principle – it is deeply unscientific and amounts to superstition. The other is chronic rhinitis.

    • I went into a shop for the first time in over a year yesterday – Lidl. The muzzled were in a slight minority, and it was good to see that none of the staff were. Bafflingly, most of the muzzled were men – and not old men at that. One was a tradie in a hi-vis vest and shorts with legs, arms, neck and head tattooed. I’m not sure the Y chromosome is quite what it used to be.

  3. I took the tube yesterday morning to go to London for my dentist appointment.

    I didn’t wear a mask, or asked to wear one at any point, even walking past a gaggle a BTP goons in the tube. Nobody at the dentist said anything either.

    A majority still wore it on the train but I would say 20-30% didn’t. So a definite improvement.

    Unlike France where the vaccine apartheid has been voted into law.

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