
What will the spin be on this?

Vaccine passport scheme for nightclubs and large events in England will not be going ahead, Health Secretary Sajid Javid tells BBC

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I know that there was always going to be a significant minority who would resist. But I fully expected them to press ahead regardless. So I’m fascinated to find out why they have ditched it. After all, this was a control freak’s wet dream.


  1. I also expected they would press ahead. But Denmark has stopped all cov-related retrictions, I believe, so perhaps the PTB have achieved their objective, whatever that might be.

  2. Probably waiting for the new virus unrelated to covid to gain enough traction for Whitty Ferguson etc to announce another predicted doomwatch scenario.

    They haven’t stopped, before you know it they will resume operation total control from another angle.

  3. Maybe someone has finally pointed out to them the bit about the Covid jab not being like a normal vaccine in that it doesn’t prevent anyone from catching or spreading the bug. Hence vaccine passports would be completely pointless. Trying hard to type with a straight face.

  4. Maybe use the inevitable winter respiratory disease spike and lack of vaccine passports to bring in another lockdown.

    Or maybe just incompetence, track and trace at 50m a month doesn’t seem to have been to succesful other than financially for Serco.

  5. “What will the spin be on this?”

    Assumung Öbergruppenführer Sturgeon goes ahead with the Jockular version, they’ll fiddle the figures to make it look like you’re all dying like flies down there while we’ve become immortal.

    Then they’ll try it again.

    • Last time I checked Scotland had some of the highest rates of infection (but not death) in Europe. Still, as I travelled between Perth and Edinburgh yesterday it didn’t look like some dystopia with the dead lining the streets and big “X” painted on the doors of the infected. It looked like a normal late summer afternoon in Scotland.

      This Chyna Bat Koof hyperbole is just reaching idiotic levels. Get rid of the TV and newspapers from your life and all of a sudden everything slides back to a level of relative normality.

      • Hence the cognitive dissonance. Reality compared with the hyperbole should kick people into sense, but it doesn’t. They believe the hyperbole and anyone who dares to point it out is labelled an anti-vaxxer or conspiracy theorist. The world has gone collectively insane.

  6. Dear Mr Longrider

    A far as I can tell our beloved government is still doing what it has always done with this opportunity pandemic, viz wander around aimlessly looking for something to be seen to be doing, as advised by Sir Vallance Bedspread, Mr *hitty and Neil Legover.

    Covexit is like Brexit: it will run and run.


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