None of Your Business

Prince William is wading into politics.

Prince William has suggested entrepreneurs should focus on saving Earth rather than engaging in space tourism.

The Duke of Cambridge said great brains and minds should be “trying to repair this planet, not trying to find the next place to go and live”.

He also warned about a rise in “climate anxiety” among younger generations.

He needs to take a leaf out of his grandmother’s book. I have no idea what her opinions are on such matters and that is how it should be. If rich people want to spend money on space exploration, it’s their money to spend how they please and none of HRH’s damned business. They don’t need his permission.

He warned there was “a rise in climate anxiety” among young people who whose “futures are basically threatened the whole time”.

No, they are not.

The father-of-three challenged adults to channel their inner child to “remember how much it meant to be outdoors and what we’re robbing those future generations of”.

No, we are not.

The duke added that “it would be an absolute disaster if [Prince] George is sat here talking” about saving the planet in 30 year’s time.

Given the failure of all the previous predictions and the continuation of the scam, I fully expect that to be the case.


  1. “The father-of-three..”

    Why, if he believes there’s a climate problem, is he creating more people to increase the amount of climate problem he believes exists, when creating less people would reduce said problem.

    And I rather think that, if he wants to be a rich person telling other rich people how to spend their money, shouldn’t he having a word in his brother’s shell-like and telling him to cut it out with the private jets et-alia.

    I thought his uncle’s problems would have shut the more vocal members of the Royals up for a while, but it appears not…

  2. Going outdoors, opening their eyes and taking a look around might cure these young people of their climate anxiety. The world is just the same as it has always been.

  3. It never ceases to amaze me that rich and/or powerful people (although lets face it there aren’t that many powerful people who aren’t rich) never stop telling me what I should stop doing (smoking/eating meat/travelling/burning carbon) so that my life becomes less fun/comfortable, but they never seem to be making the same sacrifice and leading by example.

  4. But you see Mr. Altoban, it isn’t the elites doing polluty activities that is the problem. If only the elites were allowed to fly, for example, then the amount of pollution would be negligible. The fact that the likes of you and I, and others like us want to fly in our masses is the problem.

  5. I thought that one Royal twat wittering way about stuff he knows fuck all about would be enough but no – the brother has to start as well

  6. It’s NOT a “scam”, the climate is changing ( As someone who has been gardening for the past 60+ years, one notices these things. ) and things need to be altered, now, because small(ish) changes now will be much easier to live with than drastic changes, later.
    It’s depressing to see such a supposedly-intelligent adults falling for USA-based Rethuglican deliberate lies, put bout for theor profit & our loss.
    Incidentally, & relevantly … one area I do tend to agree with – previous – postings here, is that I’m a passionate advocate of Nuclear Power.
    Baseload electricity generation – solved. No nasty particulates or greenhouse gases – what’s not to like.
    And, as the French have shown, it can be done …

    • No one has ever claimed here that the climate is not changing. You are indulging in a strawman.

      The only person I see falling for lies, is you.

      When the next maunder minimum hits, there will be a significant impact. The idea that we can, or should, stop a perfectly natural phenomenon is absurd hubris.

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