
Men cannot give birth. Never have and never will. This person is a women. She may have taken hormones, but she is still a woman.

A father has complained that nurses insisted on calling him ‘mom’ during his pregnancy despite being a man.

That’s because the nurse, quite rightly, recognises biology and women give birth, men do not. There is no argument to be had here. Facts are facts and they don’t care about your feelz. Men and women cannot change sex. It is biologically impossible. This person is a woman. She might look masculine because of the hormone treatment, but she is still a woman because only women can concieve, only women have ovaries, uterus and child bearing hips.


  1. Yes. A bloody stupid Daily Fail story. As you say, men don’t have ovaries, and yet this story refers to “his ovaries” for crying out loud. Men don’t have wombs either. Have people never seen ‘Life of Brian’?

    “I’m not oppressing you, Stan. You haven’t got a womb. Where’s the foetus going to gestate? Are you going to keep it in a box?”

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