Yeah, Right

I’m not in the habit of taking homilies from war criminals.

Tony Blair has slammed vaccine refuseniks as ‘irresponsible idiots’ as he called for the country to ‘go after them and persuade them’ to get it.

The former Prime Minister highlighted the rapid spread of the Omicron variant as a cause for concern, saying Britons who decline the jab were ‘going to get it (Covid)’, which would strain the NHS.

But he said that the ‘public has just been through too much’, adding that the ‘blunt instrument of a lockdown‘ would not work as the government might want.

Mr Blair, whose New Labour premiership lasted from 1997-2007, told Times Radio that ‘persuading’ people to get the vaccine was ‘in their own interest, never mind the public interest’.

Quite apart from the standard go fuck yourself response to this vapid idiocy, I haven’t invaded anyone’s country. I don’t have anyone’s blood on my hands. So Tony Blair can take his desire to exercise power over me and stick it. If this man says it’s wrong, then the complete opposite is the truth. So, I’m fine with not having been vaccinated. It being my body and my choice. If the Blair creature wants to come after me, then let the bastard try.

Meanwhile, why isn’t he answering for his crimes against humanity in the Hague?

He said: ‘Frankly, if you’re not vaccinated at the moment and you’re eligible, and you’ve got no health reasons for not being unvaccinated, you’re not just irresponsible. You’re an idiot.’

I will not take this man’s judgment on me. He is an evil scumbag. My body, my choice. End of.

I repeat, I don’t have thousands of peoples blood on my hands.


  1. When it comes to Blair, I find it’s always best to oppose anything he supports. That’s my general rule of thumb regarding Blair.

  2. Yes indeed, Blair in some ways is the perfect leader, do the complete opposite of everything he orders and you won’t go far wrong.
    How does this peice of work sill have so much influence, the man is universally despised by anyone with a backbone and sense of justice, it can only be the bought media under orders to kiss his arse.

  3. I didn’t notice the error but thanks for the correction Judd; maintaining standards is a rare quality these days.

  4. Blair was opposed to Brexit. One of the reasons that he gave was that politicians know best because they do politicking for a living. Yes, he actually said that.

  5. Its rapidly becoming apparent that the Omicron wave is disproportionately among the vaxxed (as one would expect, if one vaccines with a leaky virus in the middle of a pandemic viral variants will be selected by evolutionary pressure for their ability to attack the majority, the vaccinated), as it increases all the ‘the unvaccinated are the source of the virus, unclean unclean’ crowd are going to be looking pretty stupid (and downright evil)……I’m keeping notes of who has fallen into that camp, I want them to be held to account for their genuine fascist outpourings.

  6. I wonder if Cherie has cast him adrift.
    His head seems to be shrinking while getting well along the David Dickinson brown scale. Like those examples of head hunters’ shrunken heads.
    Anyway, he is a jobby, the Peoples’ Turd. Or Miranda.
    Whose hand is up his alimentary canal as far as his uvula and gets him to come out with this?

    • Yes, Blair is like a turd. A turd that won’t flush. He hasn’t been prime minister for almost 15 years and yet he keeps popping up. Gordon Broon is just as bad. He hasn’t been prime minister for over 10 years, and yet that useless twat keeps popping up too.

  7. Alas poor Tony has to live with the fact that he will never sit in the House of Lords because he refuses to disclose his business and tax affairs to the Register

    Which should tell you everything you need to know about this self important, lying prick.

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