This Could Get Interesting

Somewhat similar to the gay cake farrago, this appears to have victimhood poker players on both sides, so who has the winning hand?

transgender man was left feeling disgusted and ashamed after being refused service at a barbershop and told “we don’t cut women’s hair.”

James, who did not wish to give his surname, claims he was turned away from Horwich Barber in Bolton on Saturday.

The 20-year-old, who transitioned two years ago, visited the barber in Greater Manchester for a haircut at around 4.30pm.

Having visited the salon three times before, he entered the shop and asked staff if they were still open.

But he was shocked to be told “we are open but we don’t cut women’s hair”, he told

So, of course running to the papers to air one’s grievances is the thing to do. Apparently this person was misgendered, which is code for being correctly identified as a woman.

He said he spoke out to raise awareness of the issue while many people are still scared to leave their homes for fear of being misgendered.

Ah, of course, raising awareness. How noble. Not narcissistic bleating to draw attention to oneself at all. Thing is, this person doesn’t appear to have long hair, which is the reason the barber is giving, so on the one hand I see a weak case, but on the other…

A spokesperson for the barbershop told the MEN: “I am out of the country in Turkey but a staff member kindly explained we only have barbers qualified for men’s haircuts.

Aha! Turkey, so likely as not, a member of the religion of peace. So which is it, RoP v Trans cultist? Which is best? Only one way to find out…

As a footnote to all of this, any business should have the right to refuse to do business with a potential client for whatever reasons they like – and take the subsequent consequences of that decision in lower sales, but that’s just me. I think on this one, get that bag of popcorn in. You are going to need it.


  1. They should have given him the full Turkish haircut, complete with wax up the nose and in the ears and a cut throat shave to see if he liked it or might prefer to go elsewhere that better suited his fantasy lifestyle next time…

    • They should have given her the full Turkish haircut, complete with wax up the nose and in the ears and a cut throat shave to see if she liked it or might prefer to go elsewhere that better suited her fantasy lifestyle next time…

      There, fixed it for you 🙂

  2. Yep, a quick search on Google and a look on yelp reviews, they’re Turkish barbers.
    I wouldn’t put to much into him saying about long hair – if he’s away in Turkey, he probably never saw the person in question, just got told some woman came in.

    Looking at the article, I can’t help but wonder what’s wrong with these people.
    You’re right about the narcissism. they should be glad they live in tolerant Britain. In Saudi Arabia or Russia, this shit don’t fly.
    And Mr. Transgender has been there three times before? So suddenly ran to the papers? Why not wait until the owner comes back and have a word?
    But that wouldn’t get the 15seconds of fame…

  3. I don’t see why a hairdresser would have a problem cutting the hair of either sex. Back when I had hair I often used to go to unisex hairdressers who did both. Had I been refused service anywhere my solution would have been just to go somewhere else.

    • I think barbers especially, are unused to cutting long hair and into women’s styles. Men’s styles tend to be simpler, on average.

      Maybe as well, they just don’t want the faff? My barber has 30 min appointments, but is usually done in plenty of time. My missus takes hours at the hairdresser’s and it costs many multiples of any barber.
      I did hers myself once, in an effort not to need a second mortgage. Nearly ended in divorce… ?

  4. ” while many people are still scared to leave their homes for fear of being misgendered.”

    The word many is doing some heavy lifting there. So is fear.

    But those people carry on doing this crap at this rate, and it will come to pass because people will have enough.

  5. Barbers don’t cut women’s hair anyway. Women have very different needs regarding hair. Going to a barber for a woman’s styling is like going to a jobbing house builder and asking them to design a road bridge. This should be obvious to anyone with more than a sub-zero IQ, so what’s the fuss?

    Methinks this ‘James’ character already knew that barbers didn’t charge so much as a unisex or full salon, and being a bit borassic thought he’d get his locks styled on the cheap. Storm, meet teacup.

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