Trudeau Colours

Run away! Thus spake Monty Python’s King Arthur. Well, it seems we have a modern example.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his family have left their home in the national’s capital Ottawa for a secret location as up to 50,000 truckers gather to protest against the country’s vaccine mandate and Covid lockdowns.

I didn’t think it possible to despise any more this arrogant, insipid poltroon who manages to make Emanuel Macron look like a dignified statesman in comparison. Yet he managed to make me do it. When faced with a  ‘fringe minority with unacceptable views,’ his response is to run away. At least Ceausescu tried to hang around for a bit before upping sticks and doing a runner. What a risible, craven, spineless coward – and what is more, people will see him for just that. Hopefully the Canadian electorate will do the decent thing at the next election.

The only people with ‘unacceptable views’ are those evil people who think that coercing people into taking an experimental medical procedure is in any way an ethical position to take. I’d like to see Jacinda Ardern suffer a similar backlash. This is the woman who thinks is acceptable to lock down her country to its own nationals – to the point where one of them has had to ask the Taliban for help. As an aside – both of these two clearly show sociopathic tendencies when speaking. More so than, say Boris Johnson. Or is it just me?


  1. “I’d like to see Jacinda Ardern suffer a similar backlash.”

    You may get your wish – I hear that he/she has also gone into hiding with supposed coof. Don’t know if anything is happening in NZ, but this convoy idea has spread around the globe. There’s one set to travel across Europe to Brussels, and others from quite a few EU countries. Its all in here:

    BTW, watch out for the Trudeau meme – “New variant – Coward 19” LOL

    • I can sadly confirm that nothing remotely resembling a backlash is happening in NZ other than a drop to the usual polling numbers for the NZ Labour party.

      The only thing Trudeau is good for is somehow making me feel that there are worse scenarios than having Ardern in charge (well, exactly two, Trudeau and/or Dan Andrews).

      As an aside, even the self-isolating thing is a PR stunt, we are asked to believe she was on a flight with an infected person on the 22nd January which not only being over a week before she was informed by our gold standard, world beating track’n’trace system that she had to isolate was also prior to the Omincron variant being detected in the NZ community.

      Appropriately coming from Ardern, it is a steaming pile of horseshit.

  2. When it comes to BoJo, though he’s clearly a bullshitting, controlled buffoon, my view is there are bad people fighting the not quite so bad people at the govt level. (I think I’m on the same page as James H at NO.) BJ did push for the opening up once whoever really runs things decided to get rid of lockdown forever Hancock. And he held firm against the SAGE freaks over Xmas and was proven correct. Sure, he deserves to go but my concern is why the powers that be want him out now. Better the devil and all that. Canada and NZ shows it could be worse. As does Oz, Austria, France, Italy etc…

    • It’s a very good thing. They should always be in fear of the proles, not the other way around. Multiple gallows and heads on spikes would concentrate their minds somewhat.

  3. Maybe he is a hero with cowards legs.*
    I am sure it would sound better when written in French Canadian.
    * © Spike Milligoon.

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