
Only two years too late, but better than never.

Boris Johnson today declared that all coronavirus restrictions are set to be axed from the end of this month.

The PM made the dramatic announcement on ending the rules – including the legal requirement for those who test positive to self-isolate – at the start of PMQs in the Commons.

This must never, never, never be allowed to happen again and everyone who had fingers in this pie needs to be summarily sacked.


  1. Two years of this.
    Only now is my income returning to pre-Covid levels after a lovely 40% cut.
    And now inflation is taking off and tax rises. Fan-fucking-tastic.
    I have no words to describe the visceral, intense loathing I have for them.

    And these clowns are all congratulating themselves on a job well done, arguing about how they aren’t being strict enough and giving goblins like Whitty a knighthood.

    The only silver lining is that we aren’t living in the hell hole that is New Zealand with Adern in charge.

    • And Canada – although watching that weasel Trudeau face his Ceausescu moment is a joy to see. But, yes, my feelings of loathing know no depths for the scum responsible for this. Heads on spikes is the very least they deserve.

  2. Why wait until the end of the month?! I really hope karma is a thing, and all those assholes in westminster get their comeuppance.

  3. I wouldn’t get too excited, Mr Longrider. It’s only the end of all restrictions until they decide to reimpose them in six months or at the end of the year. Remember last July’s “Freedom Day”? Enough said.

    In any case, it’s a shame there are still people, such as that pint-sized tyrant Sadiq Khan, who won’t drop all restrictions. Khan still requires Londoners to wear muzzles on public transport. However, it’s only a ‘condition of carriage’ thing and not a legal requirement. So, up yours, Khan. Just try enforcing your muzzle rule.

    • I wouldn’t say I’m excited – the title is somewhat sarcastic in nature. However, there is a backlash building and I don’t think that they can hold it back for much longer. But reprisals… there needs to be reprisals.

    • I have never worn a mask on the tube in the last 2 years and I’ve never been challenged. I did notice signs in St Pancras which look like masks are mandatory but when the fine print does not say that. Sneaky.

      That said, still a majority of masks last Tuesday.

      As my wife remarked today, she is still required to wear a stupid mask in her hospital when cushions for patients being scanned cannot be cleaned because they are worn and split. However it’s ok to use them…

  4. Since some of us have been ignoring these restrictions as much as possible I’m not sure how much difference it will make really.

  5. Until the emergency powers are rescinded the possibility of future restrictions remain. But it just so happens those powers are still needed (by the government) while the “Vaccines” have only Emergency Use Authorisation – they could not be administered otherwise.


  6. In a way I’m glad we’re governed by a bunch of egotistical incompetent fuckwits.

    Assuming that the restrictions were brought in, a government of competent, subtle and modest individuals would be able to keep the restrictions and lockdowns going for a long time.
    Luckily, these Muppets think the rules don’t apply to them and since they think they’re so amazing, weren’t even subtle about it. So then the whole tower of cards falls down.

    Also, it’s good to be in a country like the UK, where our attitude to authority is basically “leave me alone, there’s a good chap.” Low level non-compliance is the order of the day. Not wearing masks, not distancing and people having small gatherings at home. Far more effective than large scale demonstrations which give the government an excuse to clamp down and come and steal your diesel (see Canada).
    This way, there isn’t much of an offence, and when people aren’t punished, non-compliance spreads until the rules are a joke and enforcement becomes impossible.

  7. Wonder whether the care homes will take notice. We still have to wear masks outside if we are with clients. This could be on a 5 mile hike come rain or shine. Today on a wet misty day I had my breaks out in the garden, behind a shed. We have to eat and drink outside regardless of the weather.
    There is talk about stopping the pcr tests but we now have to do a lft before each shift. All I can see is we won’t have to isolate but won’t be able to come into work. Having to isolate is the only time we have been paid when off sick. If the rules change we won’t get paid.
    They wonder why people are leaving and no one wants to become a carer.

  8. I’ve been lucky in that this whole fiasco has had little direct impact on me financially (wasn’t furloughed etc) – apart, of course, from the increasing prices and inflation to come. Bit like the US in the war: involved but nobody is bombing the homeland. And I’m not much of a party/pub goer. This has tempered my anger a bit.

    I watch with interest though, what is going on elsewhere. Wonder how spiteful Canada will be with those who deliver everything. The antipodean asylums, and I believe the ostmark is about to start random stops on motorists for contributions to “winter relief”.

    If the last two years hasn’t opened your eyes, I really don’t know what will!

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